Mrs. TGS Watch likes to talk on the phone.
She likes to talk on the phone A LOT!
Recently, Mrs. TGS Watch found herself talking on the phone with the District Court Clerk in Dallas County. Mrs. TGS Watch talked about children. She talked about vacations. Most interestingly, during the course of the conversation, the Court Clerk informed Mrs. TGS Watch that the principal of The Galloway School, Bonnie Cerace, had been charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon.

Sadly, the Court Clerk was unable to tell Mrs. TGS Watch what the final disposition of the case was. That was disappointing.
We don't believe any other school in the country has a principal who has been charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. That isn't exactly the kind of thing The Galloway School should be proud of.

May 11, 2012
10:10 p.m. CDT
Shortly after placing the case number of Ms. Cerace's charge for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon in the comments, a friend of TGS Watch provided us with a court record that provides information on the disposition of the case.
See the discussion related to this matter here. The Dallas County court document clearly indicates that The Galloway School principal Bonnie Cerace was charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. The document states:
MISDEMEANOR REDUCTION_ PROBATED SENTENCEThat said, we still find the final disposition of this matter to be inconclusive.
I am not surprised by Cerace's actions. She terrified my child. As a past and long time gone parent, all I can do is to warn parents not to enroll their children in that school. Not only did Cerace terrify children, she is taking Mrs. Galloway to the bank as well. Shameful.
The only school in the country with a principal with this sort of arrest in her background? Is this what Jay Aldis of Bracewell & Giuliani advocates?
Does Galloway even have a vetting process? I thought I read on this blog somewhere that they didn't do a background check on DeVerteuil, so I guess it's safe to conclude they didn't do one on Mrs. Cerace, either.
The last two places I worked for, there was a question on the application that asked if I was ever even arrested for a felony. Just arrested! Then it asked about convictions.
TGS Watch, this makes me worry about the safety of the children in the school! What are the details of this arrest. You don't just get accidentally arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. There has to be a story here and I think all parents deserve to hear it! No more hiding. No more lies. Open it up and let us decide if this is where our kids should be.
No one would get to this level of authority in any public school with this hanging over your head. How did it happen here?
To the administrator of this blog:
Be careful, a lawsuit is being filed against you and the new school they are trying to form in League City
Not only have I not heard of a Principal with a charge of "ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON" ,but what about a degree in "CRIMINOLOGY" and elementary education. A Principal usually has a least a Masters Degree in Education of not a Doctoral.
The truth is not defamation. Bonnie Cerace needs to be removed or many of us will combine for a joint lawsuit. I say let them file a suit--she has a few more suits coming her way and a HUGE countersuit if they do such a thing. I am quite sure that was Ms. Cerace sending that message from a proxy. Never underestimate your opponent Ms. Cerace! You will reap what you have sown. If you were wise you would step down without costing the school thousands of dollars as we know they are paying for your legal fees. We need to have TGS audited while we are at it. Subpoena everything.
Bonnie Cerace would be ill advised to file a suit against anyone, or even the potential new school being formed in League City. Her threats will receive a very strong retaliatory response. We are not in fear of Bonnie Cerace nor should any of the very dedicated parents of the Galloway school. Those of you who are in fear of Bonnie Cerace, please know that there is no reason for you to fear her. You may soon have another school dedicated to the successful develoment of your children to go to - if you stand up and support the initiative to form the school. Please remember, this is a free country and you are not bound by the tactics Bonnie Cerace is employing to control you. You owe her nothing. Rather, Bonnie Cerace and the Galloway school owes all tuition paying parents a safe, nurturing environment that is conducive to the delivery of high quality academic instruction to the students. It is clear that they have failed to deliver what they owe and are now resorting to threats to control the decision making process of the parents. A mass exodus is starting and the best way to deal with Bonnie Cerace is to simply withdraw your children from a clearly failing school. It is beyond comprehension that so many well educated and financially stable families are living with such compromises in the education of their children. Some families spend in excess of $20,000 per year at this school and yet have no true voice in the operations of the school. It is an absolutely preposterous situation. Bonnie Cerace, if you are reading this, I welcome your actions and will respond in a manner that you could not have comprehended. Do not think that ALL parents at the Galloway are as passive as you would like them to be. You are on a downward spiral. Cut your losses and graciously bow out. Actually, for you to do anything graciously would be unrealistic. To all parents reading this blog and especially this comment, please do what your heart and mind tells you is right for your children. The fact is that you are in control of your children's future and only you have the power to make the right decisions.
Wow! I can't believe why someone with an arrest record is employed as a school principal. I wonder if this happenned before Bonnie's employment at the Galloway or after she was hired?
To All,
I am in full support of TGS Watch and will be aggregating some of the comments of parents who don't want to "publicly" voice their thoughts/opinions. I think Bonnie underestimated the growing number of people willing to take a stand. I can't believe that I am even typing a statement like that in a free country.
Feel free to email me:
New blog. The more information we can disseminate, the better:
Dear John:
According to the 292nd Judicial District Court in Dallas County, the offense date was March 7, 1982 (four days before Bonnie Cerace's 30th birthday). The disposition date was May 11, 1982 (30 years ago today). For reference, the case number is F-8276351.
~TGS Watch
Hey TGS watch,
I have several FYI items.
First of all, at teacher inservice at the beginning of the school year before school started, Bonnie proceeded to reveal to all the teachers about the felony, because she told them they would be seeing it in the media anyway. All the teachers and staff have known this all year long. As you might imagine, the teachers were quite shocked.
Secondly, I believe that Bonnie's rap sheet is likely the reason that background checks are not done on anyone. When I was hired, I even asked about getting one, thinking that would be the next step in the hiring process. But I was very surprised to learn (from Bonnie) that it would not be required!
And you'll never guess what else our principal (with a felony) has done. This latest stunt really has had the school buzzing. After the resignation of Linda Aycock, Bonnie removed her picture from the hallway, took it behind the school, and then BURNED IT! Afterwards, she proceeded to brag about it to others. Is this normal behavior? I don't know how you feel about this act, but I believe it is quite disturbing, to say the least. What kind of person does stuff like this? I'll tell you - OUR PRINCIPAL, BONNIE CERACE!
So parents, how safe do you feel now?
Anon (May 11, 2012 10:24 PM):
I'd like to highlight the update at the end of this post. While the Irving Police Department charged Ms. Cerace with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon (a felony), the charge was reduced to a misdemeanor.
~TGS Watch
How can she admit it to the staff but not the paying families? Does Miss Cerace think parents should not have full disclosure so they can decide for themselves if she is the kind of person they want to entrust their children with for the school year?
TGS Watch, Thank you for your clarification. I'm comforted knowing it was reduced to a misdemeanor. That makes me feel much better :-D
Unbelievable!!!!!!!!! Received the email regarding this a moment ago. Parents where is the meeting*?
What meeting are you talking about?
Can anyone verify that the teachers at the Galloway were not issued new employment contracts for next school year (2012-2013)? Is this true? If it is who will be teaching for the next school year?
Last year, teachers were given their contracts on the last day of school. How's that for letting your employees plan for their own futures?
Wow that is so shocking.......
I am reading this blog for the first time. This has to be a mistake. I will ask on Monday? Are you sure this is the correct information about the teachers? Every year there seems that teachers are leaving. Is this the correct "BONNIE CERACE" in this police report?
None of the teachers at Galloway have received contracts as of yet. They are hanging in limbo. It is so inappropriate to treat your employees this way.
To the few teachers and staff left who are loyal to and support Bonnie Cerace:
Are you so dependent on this woman that you have sacrificed your morals and dignity because she's your boss? Do you not have an ounce of self-respect? Good Lord! There are certainly other jobs! Some may say that you have been friends with her for so long. Please. I wouldn't care how long I had been friends with someone. Any "friend" that I may have who behaves as she does, I would get as far away from as possible! Friends like that... I do not need.
I cannot understand after all that's happenened, how ANY one of you can even PRETEND to show her an ounce of respect or loyalty. She doesn't deserve it. At all.
It is not a mistake. Teachers were told at the beginning of the year about the assault with a deadly weapon charge. I guess some people have just had enough of the lies and deception that they are fed up and tired of hiding all the dirty little secrets that seem to permeate the place.
Honestly, how many 60 year-old Bonnie Lucille Cerace's do you think there are in the U.S.? Google it, like I did. You'll only find one and she lives in League City. Better yet, ask her directly. Make sure you have a copy of the Dallas County Court record in hand.
Oh, and if you do ask, please come back and tell us what is said. I wonder if we'll get several different versions of events.
All of this makes me sick.... I can't believe that we are all paying for immoral, unethical, individuals who are responsible for educating and protecting our children. What will make the parents realize that their children are at risk. Does someone need to get hurt for all of us to unite and speak up. I am going to be an advocate for my children. I don't want them to grow up thinking that their parents were supporting such immoral behavior. We need to push our Cerace and her cronies (teachers, staff and the board) out!!!!!
To those of you who think Cerace is the best think to man kind. How do you justify this? Do you feel that she well balanced person that should be around young impressionable children? Would you let her babysit your children?
I know that I would never let a felon babysit my children! I don't about anyone else.
How does a school not do background checks on their staff. Could some of the teachers at the school be felons and we just don't know. I can't understand this.
The creditability of the whole school is in question. We as parents should demand that all teachers and staff should have background checks done,and we the parents should be informed of all the results (pass or fail). But if they do background checks how do we know that the Board and Cerace will not COVER UP the results or even tell the TRUTH. We can't trust anyone. What a shame.
Thank God I pulled my children out and I feel very badly for all the parents that are still there. PLEASE run away from this school, protect your children.
Prophet Muhammad - “Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Jesus Christ- "Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence. Love others as well as you love yourself.”
I guess this doesn't apply to the Board or Bonnie Cerace.....
To the writer of the comment about a lawsuit being filed:
What is in this blog that can be sued over? As far as I can discern, and I am no lawyer, everything is based on primary sources (legal documents, newspaper and television reports, and other factual information) followed by the blogger's opinion and our comments/opinions. That is all covered by the First Amendment.
As far as the new school being sued, that's just preposterous! It's the free market in action! It's simple competition. "Hey, folks. Dissatisfied with what you've got? Come try my product!" You see it every day. If you can't advertise your product to the masses, my mail and e-mail boxes wouldn't be filled with ads asking me to switch insurance, vote for this guy, try this new Mexican restaurant, get my hair done at this salon and here...have 25% off your first visit!, etc., etc., etc.
Honestly, I agree with another commenter that posted something earlier. The people in true control of the school have never met with such resistance. They don't know what to do. They have to be concerned that their numbers are falling rapidly and someone out there is promoting a better product.
Competition and the truth are wonderful things. Cerace and her board should really ask their lawyer about the First Amendment and the free market system, since they don't seem to understand either. There have to be some business people on that board. Don't they advertise? Don't they try to offer a better product? Don't they tell the truth? (Well, maybe not that last one...)
Welcome to the truth, TGS! I'm sure it's been a long time since you've seen it. Your policy has always been to divide and conquer, tell people they are the only ones experiencing their issues, and lie to other parents about complaints to others to create division (as was the case in my situation).
The truth will set you free. There was an opportunity over a year ago for the truth to come out. We were all lied to from the moment word got out about the events leading up to this lawsuit and the lies continue today. Some are blatent. Others are lies by omission. Some are lies because no one can recall what they said earlier, so a new lie has to be created. In the end, they are all still the same...lies.
Is this what they teach at The Galloway School? I hope no one's child is ever punished harshly for a lie. Wouldn't that be awkward having your child be punished for lying by one of the biggest liars I ever met?
Anon (May 11, 2012 11:48 AM):
To the administrator of this blog:
Be careful, a lawsuit is being filed against you and the new school they are trying to form in League City
Thanks for the warning, but we're not too concerned. TGS Watch strives to be factually accurate. We have provided an email address so that anyone who spots an inaccuracy may contact us. We believe everything on the blog is protected under the First Amendment.
In the event that TGS Watch is sued, we will vigorously defend ourselves. Vigorously. And discovery would be a lot of fun. Perhaps we ought to start a blog entry to discuss what we should request during the discovery process!
~TGS Watch
Start with a full audit of the schools financial records. With all the other things that have been going on it's plausible that the schools finances have been misappropriated.
I too am one of the parents who will write on this site at the end of the school.....
The website for The Newton School forming in League City is:
Good luck to the new school. Parents considering private education options for their children should give this startup school serious consideration. Definitely an opportunity to shape the way your children are taught.
I was surprised to find out that many of the Parents at the school do not know of the charges that were filed against Cerace, and that 2 board members have left. As parents we need to pass as much information to each other. As we all know that the school is to busy with a cover up and there is absolutely no transparency. Lets ban together and make sure our children are safe.
Also any members of the PTO stand up for the kids, you have a voice, express the parents concerns demand answers and pass it onto the rest of us. We need to make sound choices for our children. I have already made my choice, my kid is not returning next year. I am not paying all this money for this, public school is looking good.
I am happy that a new school is opening, I will definitely being looking into it.
The PTO board of directors, in a meeting last year right after school ended, supported management of the school. They dragged the kids into this whole debacle by having the kids write letters and draw pictures for Mrs. Galloway and Bonnie Cerace to "lift their spirits."
In my opinion, since the board is under the same president as last year, they are worthless. Instead of shielding the kids from all of this, they, with the support of all the parents in in attendance at last year's emergency meeting (minus the support of just a few parents), they brought the kids right into the middle of it.
There is a PTO meeting on May 17th at 6:30 pm. Perhaps that's where some of our questions should be asked. I'm so sick of the serious issues being dodged and ignored. It's been this way for too long! It's time all parents stand up and advocate for the kids, all of them, not just your own!
I agree. I have been asking parents to stand together this whole school year, but apparently they are all to scared to do it. I stood by myself, fought Cerace, the teacher and the administration and fought for my child's rights. Unfortunately, since I was on my own, I had was bullied out of the school. Thank God my child is no longer there.
But what is funny is the parents that did not support me while I was at the school are the same ones that came to me later and wanted me to be their voice and be their advocate. It was a little late for that.
I wish the parents at that school a lot of luck and please stand up to the board, teachers, Cerace etc... Be a model for your children. They obviously don't have good role models at school.
I'll advocate for anyone's kids, but their parents have to start by advocating for them first. I won't be the spokesperson for their families. Every single family should get time to speak. If you have to limit the time to 2 minutes per family, so be it, but give every one of them that opportunity. There has to be at least one strong parent to get the discussion started. Who is that parent going to be?
And I still wonder, does the PTO still have all the monies for the lower school's playground canopy? They've been raising money for 2 years now. They need to show that money is still in the PTO accounts and that it will not be diverted anywhere else.
I would have been more than happy to advocate for ALL of the children, but I am no longer a parent at the school. I removed my children in March. I doubt I have a right to be at the PTO meeting on May 17th.
In a way, my attempt to form the new school is a way I and my wife are trying to advaocate for all of the children. I would also encourage all of you to be fearless. As long as you tell the truth, you have nothing to worry about. I am posting with my identity clearly stated. If anyone needs my help in any way, I will be there for you. So will my wife Farah.
On a different note, any non-profit entity must make their financials public and provide the documentation upon request. Follow the money and that will reveal much.
Mr. Khan, you are to be commended! You and your wife are strong people. Keep up the hard work. Making the decision to leave in the middle of the year like that had to be agonizing, but in the end, I think you made the right choice.
Hats Off to you Mr. Khan!
Thank you for the support. The decision to leave wasn't very agonizing, but watching my Son suffer was. It is sad that most parents are too afraid to make a similar decision. Trust me, in the long run, the long term well being of the child needs to be at the core of any decisions regarding their education and development.
Mr. Khan,
I'm in agreement with you. FOLLOW THE MONEY indeed.
I saw the agenda for the PTO meeting tomorrow night. It does not seem like they will officially discuss any "difficult" topics. I wonder if any of the parents will have the courage to ask the difficult questions? It is obvious that the problems are not isolated, or limited to a select few. I keep hearing from Bonnie's proxies that a lawsuit against the blogs and me is being prepared. Bonnie, and Jay Aldis, what is taking so long? Do it now. As quickly as you can. I have been ready to respond for quite some time now. I am at least one person you will never successfully bully. I have full time attorneys working for me, my sister is an attorney, and I have very good personal attorneys. I know the law well enough to say that you have more to fear from me than I do of you. I have truth on my side. Also, Bonnie thank you for making defamatory statements about me, my wife, and my son to several parents. He continues to suffer the consequences of that in public. How pitiful that you and some of your teachers would do such things to a child. You know who I am. Come after me instead. I could care less about what you say about me or my wife, but I will make you pay for what you have done to my son. You will find out what I mean when we lock horns in court. This will definitely not be a good Summer for you.
Mr. Khan,
I think the Cerace sycophants are just mindlessly regurgitating Cerace's words when they threaten lawsuits. I understand that Ms. Cerace is stomping up and down the halls telling everyone that the Solts don't have a case. As it was described to me, the words of Ms. Cerace don't match her body language. I suspect the case with the Solts is not going well for the TGS defendants. I also suspect that the chatter of TGS instigated lawsuits is a lot of empty tough-talk, too.
Mr. Khan, please email me. I have some interesting information regarding this matter that I'd prefer to share privately.
~TGS Watch
6 more days until I tell my story
And many of us are patiently waiting for your story. I pray for you and the other suffering parents daily. Only 6 more days. I know you will feel some relief.
If Patty Goins (my Son's grade 1 teacher) and Bonnie Cerace delivered what I had expected from supposed teaching professionals, my children would still be there. However, my Son is one of many students that were victimized by the bullying at TGS. I am slowly but surely piecing together a greater puzzle. If the TGS board thinks the Solt and Bennett lawsuits are significant, you have not seen anything yet.
It is all about the money at the Galloway School. I found it particularly disturbing that more time was spent on planning, promoting, and holding fundraisers. Just look at all of the emails looking for donations. In contrast, how many emails did anyone receive about curriculum enhancements? Or modernization of the school's technology infrastructure? It is laughable that some new computers are considered a huge leap forward.
If Bonnie was so concerned about paying the bills, then she should have been focused on keeping ALL of the parents satisfied. Customer loyalty is the key to long term success and a private school is no different than any other business dealing with paying customers. There are many reasons why families are leaving this school. Bonnie and the board should have been more attentive to the needs of ALL of the students and the parents...NOT just the ones giving huge donations. I cringe every time I think about when I once considered making a sizeable donation prior to what happened to my Son. How sad this entire situation has become due to the misdeeds of a few.
To all teachers at the Galloway School who truly care about children and have a conscience, contact me with your stories. I am ready and prepared to take the steps necessary to advocate for all of the children. Your communications will be completely confidential and my intentions should be obvious based on my public comments and ongoing mission. Email me at ekram@cieos.com
Do not be afraid and stand up for the truth.
Thank you Mr. Khan. If you only knew what is truly happening. Not only are the parents afraid but so is the staff. I don't have any other income besides this job.
I understand your concern and truly feel for you. It is often difficult to make decisions when the financial freedom to do so does not exist. In the interest of the children, I encourage you to share your stories about what is truly happening so that those who can do something about it have the information they need to effectively work toward a successful resolution to this dire situation. You can post here or contact me privately at ekram@cieos.com
This is so sad. I knew something was seriously wrong with Mrs. Cerace. We took our children out in the 1st grade and kindergarten along with many other parents because of similiar problems that were swept under the rug. Children getting lost in aftercare, injuries to my child, little girls going to the bathroom unattended alone, poor education....
......my child was lost in aftercare also
What does "lost in afatercare" actually mean? Were the children somewhere in the building and could not be located or not under the supervision of a teacher?
Mr. Khan, I have been following this blog since it first started out with the sexual harassment claim by Lori Solt. It is ironic and sad that it has turned into a medium for you and a small faction of like thinking people with the intent of trying to destroy people's reputation for your own greedy intentions. we are alike in one way – we both have money. From my objective viewpoint, I see that you are an angry man who is using this blog to use scare tactics and bribery (offering to credit parents for the tuition they have already paid to Galloway if they will come to your school and offering to pay attorney fees if they wanted to sue) to build a school that is non-existent at this time and has no credibility. And you plan to do this in a matter of months based on your word alone. I find this amusing. What do you really know about education? Do you really expect to fill your positions for the school and have a quality curriculum ready in a matter of a few months? Rather ambitious to say the least even for an educational expert whom I don't believe you are. While you are determined to pour your money in a disparaging manner by tearing down people and the school, I prefer to put my money into finding out more about these individuals and the school and at the very Ieast provide additional information so parents can weigh their decision about education for their children in a more honest approach. By the way Mr. Khan, I must say that condoning the publishing of Mrs.Galloway's home phone number and asking people to call her to complain when you are aware she is L00 years old is unwarranted and speaks volumes about your character. I must admit this has served as a catalyst for me to get involved in this situation. One other thing, I do not believe that all newspaper articles are accurate nor do I believe that HISD's ambiguous documents as you presented them are complete and I further question their accuracy. Some things just do not add up. To the parents of Galloway: do not panic and succumb to fear based tactics. I will be back with information, good or bad, that perhaps will assist you in making a decision that you feel is best for your child. I do not sign my name because quite frankly Mr. Khan, a person with as many aliases as you have does not fit my criteria for trustworthiness. I have no self-serving agenda; however, your agenda is very obvious. Your business plan is to plant seeds of doubt and panic in parents in order to start your school. Such a shame. An honorable man should seek to start a school based on his passion for educating our youth and preparing them to succeed in the "real world" and not on retaliatory methods against a school that you feel was perhaps not a good fit for your son. Recruiting students and parents would be based on your ability to provide a superior educational experience rather than trying to destroy a school or "buy the Galloway School" in order to circumvent the hard work and time required to establish a great school based on strong educational standards. Your motives are certainly suspect.
Third Party,
Looks as if you feel repeating yourself makes your point more significant. Again, your actions are indicative of the level of desperation that Bonnie and Dot are experiencing.
I wonder if Third Party is on vacation?
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