Bonnie Cerace throws a temper tantrum
Just a reminder to check in with Galloway School Concerned Parents on a regular basis. There are several new posts there including a rather amusing letter from Bracewell & Giuliani's Jay Aldis, the attorney representing The Galloway School. Be sure to join the fun ... a lot of readers are having a good time with Mr. Aldis' letter in the comments.
Bonnie and Aldis Write a Dumb Letter
This is Bonnie.
See Bonnie Cry.
Cry, Bonnie, cry.
"I want my phonebook back!"
This is Aldis.
See Aldis write.
Write, Aldis, write.
"Send that phonebook back!"
This is Khan.
See Khan's middle finger.
Laugh, Khan, laugh!
This poem should become part of the curriculum at The Galloway School. Part of a much needed update!
Phone Books and Khan
I am Khan.
I am Khan.
Khan I am.
That Khan-I-am
That Khan-I-am!
I do not like
that Khan-I-am!
Do you want your phone book, ma'am?
I want my phone book, Khan-I-am!
I want that phonebook , Khan-I-am!
Would you like it
Here or There?
I would like it here or there.
I would like it anywhere!
I do not like you, Khan-I-am!
I want my phonebook, Khan-I-am!
Would you like it from my house?
Would you like it from my spouse?
Yes, I want it from your house!
Yes, I want it from your spouse!
Yes, I want it here or there!
Yes, I want it anywhere!
I do not like you, Khan-I-am!
I want my phonebook, Khan-I-am!
You might get it
You might see.
You might even get it from me.
Yes, I want it from your file!
Yes, I want it all the while!
Yes, I want it from your house!
Yes, I want it from your spouse!
Yes, I want it here or there!
Yes, I want it anywhere!
I do not like you, Khan-I-am!
I want my phonebook, Khan-I-am!
It seems as if there is quite a bit of untapped literary talent out there. Perhaps a teaching position?
The only reason that parents are not writing on your site is because URLs are being traced. Parents are afraid of lawsuits
Who said they are tracking the URLs? They can't track what you do in the privacy of your own home! They'd have to hack your computer to do that.
If you want to post, go to a public place, like Starbuck's, McDonald's, the public library, and post away!! There are bigger fish to fry. There was a warning earlier that the school was going after this blogger and the guy opening a new school. Look at the letter from Aldis. The best they could scrape up was a demand letter for the school directory to be returned. That's a far cry from the lawsuit we were all warned about.
I will refer you back to the Public Enemy song, "Don't Believe the Hype." I've been posting for a long time here. And I don't believe the hype!
Track my URL's! I'll tell you, I read here, the Chronicle, Click2Houston, Yahoo news, Thousands of other people read those sites, too! I think someone is trying to instill fear into people to keep them quiet. Again, Don't Believe the Hype!
What?? Tracking URLs? That's bullying. And that is exactly what many of us have been complaining about for a long, long time.
I too am looking for a new school but with the posting from this particular blog (giving the middle finger) I am not at all sure that this would be the best place to send my children. I would hope that this is not the way you would be running a school!! I would be very offended if Mr. Khan showed such inappropriate mannners. And then for the other parents writing and more or less giving the high five? This is getting out of hand and I am trying to get my children into a christian setting were I can depend on mature adults to teach my children to respect one another. I am ready to move on but it sounds like a lot of baggage would be coming to this new school. I will be looking elsewhere.
And remember, no one can do anything if you are telling the TRUTH!! It is impossible to slander anyone by telling the truth. Parents who have issues and information and are afraid to make comments (and happen to be re-enrolling their kids at Galloway), Well... hope you enjoy having Cerace in charge for another year! It's not going to get any better. If you want her gone, you need to speak up. And that's the TRUTH.
For Christian Schools, you could try Bay Area Christian or Clear Lake Christian.
So Newton will not be a christian school?
I understand the frustration of Mr. Khan. I have been in his shoes. My experiences at the Galloway School have also filled me with anger. The innocent children that not only Mrs. Cerace, but other members of the Galloway administration and staff have harmed is repulsive. I would like to warn the parents...do not trust any one in administration at the school. I am looking into the Newton School and the staff and adminstrators they will hire. I have heard so many terrible stories from parents . Mr. Khan is not the only one who feels this way. We are not returning to this school
I am not Christianbut I too beleive in God. Individual religous beliefs should not hinder the development of an excellent school. We should all embrace each other and educate our children.
By the way. Lutheran South is a great school unlike what you all are being told at the Galloway School
I agree with individual religious beliefs but I would hope that a new school with new administrators would be professional and would not tolorate or at least try to let parents that are reading this blog know that this is not the kind of behavior he agrees with. Some of the things expressed on some portions of this blog are very childish, and yes unchristian. I don't know what Mr Khan beliefs are but whatever it is I would hope there would be some underlying religeous belief. Just knowing that Mr. Khan is not speaking up against this type of behavior seems that he agrees with the name calling etc... It makes me wonder if he thinks this is okay. Especially since this site seems to be promoting the new school. I dont think this makes good advertisement. Would he be okay with the children talking about each other in this manner.
Anon (May 22, 2012 5:43 PM)
but with the posting from this particular blog (giving the middle finger) I am not at all sure that this would be the best place to send my children. I would hope that this is not the way you would be running a school!! I would be very offended if Mr. Khan showed such inappropriate mannners.
There are a ton of factual inaccuracies in here.
1. The author of TGS Watch did not write the comment mentioned.
2. The author of TGS Watch is not connected to the development of any private school. I am not interested in running any school.
3. The author of TGS Watch is not Mr. Khan.
That said, I did think the poem was funny. No vulgar words were used and it was witty. Lighten up a bit, Anonymous.
~TGS Watch
ANYTHING is better than what you're getting at TGS. I would rather think the administration at any school has a sense of humor rather than believes in bullying parents and children. We all find humor in different things. I doubt any of us finds the humor in bullying little kids in any arena, especially when the bullying comes from an adult!
Every now and then, you have to stop and laugh at something. The alternative is to cry. I have spent many, many nights crying over what was done to my child and to others. I'm tired of the tears. I'm tired of the bullying. I'm tired of the threats to parents. I'm tired. But I'm not too tired to see that some people are willing to fight back. Some fight back in humor, which is what this was.
I think we all could benefit from the advice to loosen the collar and lighten up a bit. This has been a MISERABLE year for many, many families.
And at least Mr. Khan is vocal and not hiding his identity about being unhappy with the way children are so disregarded at TGS. Cut the guy some slack. His kid was bullied, too. And by more than one adult at TGS. If he found a moment of levity in some of the writings here, the guy probably needed it.
Sorry, dont mean that TGS Watch stated any of the above. It was meant for the other Anonmous posters on here which are making the remarks. As far as "lightening up", I am concerned with my children and trying to find a good school for them. I was told that this blog was set up for concerned parents. Apparently, I misunderstood.
This was the first time i have been to this blog and this was the first area that is at the top in which to read along with comments made by Anonmous on the blog. I was merely responding to what I was reading. I was told about this site from another parent.
Both blogs are for concerned parents. Just that, parents. They are not intended for the kids.
Aren't you concerned that the school is mired down in sexual harassment claims?
Aren't you concerned that the principal has an assault with a deadly weapon charge (that she never shared with parents but finally told the staff THIS YEAR)? She has yet to admit this to all the parents.
Aren't you concerned that the administration retaliates against parents and children alike?
Aren't you concerned that the school invites those that got the school into a lawsuit in the first place back for a staff party, like he had never left?
Aren't you concerned that the school doesn't let parents speak in front of the school board?
We all want what is best for our children. Why not crank out an e-mail to Mr. Khan and ask him for himself what the school stands for and not discount him just because he found one thing a little funny. I'd hope you'd give him that much courtesy.
I'd take Mr. Khan's school, unaccredited and unproven, right over the "accredited" Galloway School and all the baggage it has had for years. And with all that has happened at Galloway, I'll bet he hires no one from that school. At least talk to the man and see what he believes.
I was just told about this site. I made a comment about checking into another school because of some of the things I had heard. Another parent recommended this site. Thats all. I feel like I am being attacked just by stating a few concerns I had with some of the posting here. I feel that I was a little misinformed as to what I expected to see on this site. Good luck and God bless to you all. I will check out one of the other schools mentioned above.
It's not my intent to attack you. Cerace just makes my blood boil. She has pushed many of us to the breaking point. I'm sorry to make you feel uncomfortable, as it wasn't my intent at all. I think we all have a common goal, and that's to protect our kids.
Again, please accept my most sincere apologies.
Who is high fiving? I don't think anyone will be doing any of that until Cerace is relieved of her duties.
Anon (May 22, 2012 7:24 PM):
This was the first time i have been to this blog
This statement is absolutely false and I can prove it. You are being dishonest. I don't know why you claim to be the guardian of Christian behavior while simultaneously lying. It is clear that you have an ax to grind.
All of this talk about me has me blushing! ;-)
Let me begin by saying that I am a big believer in our right to free speech and will never try to stiffle anyone from saying anything. Even students at the Newton School will be taught the true meaning of the US Constitution and the rights it conveys to all citizens. I think this should by obvious by the nature of my posts and the fact that I put my name to them.
I did find humor in the post that Anonymous referenced containing the phrase about the middle finger. I thought the poem was well written and it was funny. Obviously, it was intended for adults to read. If your children are reading these blogs, then I venture to say that there needs to be more parental supervision at your home. I do not allow my children to browse the internet without adult supervision. I think the person who wrote that poem had every right to post it and I am sure they knew that it would be read by an adult. You may have been offended by the content of the poem, just like if you had viewed a controversial piece of artwork, but that does not warrant censorship by me or the administrator of this blog. Whether I agree with the content or not is irrelevant. I will even defend Bonnie Cerace's right to free speech, even though she has done everything in her power to violate those same rights of many current and former parents.
I would also like to calrify that my wife and I are forming the Newton School as a secular school. There will be no religious instruction. If anyone is looking for a Chrsitian school, there are many good choices in the area. Bay Area Christian and Lutheran South are very good choices.
I strongly believe that instruction in religion is the responsibility of the parents, and that a school's primary responsibility is to provide strong academic instruction and foster the development of kind hearted, happy children. The Newton School's primary focus will be excellence in academic instruction. To that end, we are working with a team of highly educated teaching professionals with multiple graduate degrees to develop the curriculum and all of the policies governing the operations of the school. This, or any other blog, is not advertisement for the school. If you really want to know who I am, what I stand for, and why I am diligently working to form the school, then contact me privately or come have lunch with me - I'll pick up the check. No strings attached. Then report back to this blog with your honest assessment. Will you take me up on that offer?
Also, please understand that these blogs were born out of necessity and that very need was fueled by some very negative, hurtful, and damaging actions. Therefore, if some of these parents can vent some of that pain and frustration through humor, then more power to them. I would rather have anyone vent through humor than with anger. look at the shear content of these blogs and you should understand that most of us take time out of our busy lives to put this information out there so other parents can benefit from it.
Later this evening, I will post a lengthy response to many who are questioning my credentials and my wife's. Suffice it to say, I will put our credntials up against Bonnie Cerace's at any time.
This is also my first time on this blog. There has been a lot of talk about the problems at the school for well over a year. I was astounded to hear number of parents that are leaving the school from the upper level grades. I too am interested in the Newton School. I have dreams of my children one day graduating from Brown, Yale, Harvard and therefore I can totally understand why parents would want to leave. However, what I don't understand is why Ms. Cerace would not support the children who want to leave. Financial Debt?We have all been accepting of Ms. Cerace's "lifestyle". How many people would bring their children to this school if they met Ms. Cerace first. I would not have. It is obvious that she has mental problems. I am going to try and get a refund. Enough is enough. I see the truth for myself. Surely, if a principal would say negative things about children that are in her school it is a reflection of her. A word to the wise. Ms. Cerace, Mr. Khan is an angel compared to my husband.
One would think that if parents ask to leave the school and don't want to be there, Cerace would let them go. Does she REALLY want to force people to stay where they are so miserable? Those parents will make her life a living hell. If she refuses to give monies back and holds people to returning, you can bet those parents will be at the school ALL THE TIME, watching every move. Is that what TGS wants? If I had to choose between debt and dealing with people who hate and distrust me, I would choose to be in debt.
Friday. 2 more days
Just because you paid your money and may not get it back doesn't mean you are obligated to return. At this point if they had to, many parents would probably gladly pay to NOT have their kids at Galloway.
Anonymous who has been counting down to Friday, did you post something and I may have missed it?
I'm thinking that the "countdown" person has hired counsel and perhaps was told not to participate on the blog anymore. Not sure, but that might be it. I guess Bonnie lucked out on that one... for now. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do turn.
Mr. Khan, I have been following this blog since it first started out with the sexual harassment claim by Lori Solt. It is ironic and sad that it has turned into a medium for you and a small faction of like thinking people with the intent of trying to destroy people's reputation for your own greedy intentions. we are alike in one way – we both have money. From my objective viewpoint, I see that you are an angry man who is using this blog to use scare tactics and bribery (offering to credit parents for the tuition they have already paid to Galloway if they will come to your school and offering to pay attorney fees if they wanted to sue) to build a school that is non-existent at this time and has no credibility. And you plan to do this in a matter of months based on your word alone. I find this amusing. What do you really know about education? Do you really expect to fill your positions for the school and have a quality curriculum ready in a matter of a few months? Rather ambitious to say the least even for an educational expert whom I don't believe you are. While you are determined to pour your money in a disparaging manner by tearing down people and the school, I prefer to put my money into finding out more about these individuals and the school and at the very Ieast provide additional information so parents can weigh their decision about education for their children in a more honest approach. By the way Mr. Khan, I must say that condoning the publishing of Mrs.Galloway's home phone number and asking people to call her to complain when you are aware she is L00 years old is unwarranted and speaks volumes about your character. I must admit this has served as a catalyst for me to get involved in this situation. One other thing, I do not believe that all newspaper articles are accurate nor do I believe that HISD's ambiguous documents as you presented them are complete and I further question their accuracy. Some things just do not add up. To the parents of Galloway: do not panic and succumb to fear based tactics. I will be back with information, good or bad, that perhaps will assist you in making a decision that you feel is best for your child. I do not sign my name because quite frankly Mr. Khan, a person with as many aliases as you have does not fit my criteria for trustworthiness. I have no self-serving agenda; however, your agenda is very obvious. Your business plan is to plant seeds of doubt and panic in parents in order to start your school. Such a shame. An honorable man should seek to start a school based on his passion for educating our youth and preparing them to succeed in the "real world" and not on retaliatory methods against a school that you feel was perhaps not a good fit for your son. Recruiting students and parents would be based on your ability to provide a superior educational experience rather than trying to destroy a school or "buy the Galloway School" in order to circumvent the hard work and time required to establish a great school based on strong educational standards. Your motives are certainly suspect.
Third Party,
I don't think you have to worry about my motives. It is your motives that are suspicious. Posting comments the way you do is indicative of your desperation. Why don't you just come out and admit you are associated with the Galloway School. Just engage in open debate under your own identity. I promise I won't spy on you or stalk you like Anonymous supporters of the Galloway School did to me.
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