A very close family members baby had been taken from the babies mom by his father. (they were in a custody battle). I can't blog to much surrounding the moms fears of the baby being in the hands of his father but it was enough to risk there lives and face grown men alone to protect him. When the mom (miss ceraces close family member) contacted the police they were told they couldn't help until she had him back. They were told to go get the baby. The mom and Miss Cerace went to Dallas to the house the baby was at and did just that. They got him back. Things turned out very ugly and was a big battle to get the baby.Up front, we want to point out at least one factual inconsistency in this comment. Dallas County court records indicate that this event happened in Irving (Filing agency TX0571500 is the Irving Police Department), not Dallas. TGS Watch also finds it hard to believe that any law enforcement agency would instruct a parent to "risk there [sic] lives" in a contentious custody battle. Again, the person making this assertion provides no documentation for her version of events, so it isn't unreasonable to believe that she is embellishing the factual record.
Spelling and grammatical errors in original
TGS Watch finds this account of the events leading up to Ms. Cerace's charge of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon to be utterly frightening. Why would Ms. Cerace put herself in a position where there would be a "big battle to get a baby"? In the opinion of TGS Watch, this account (if true) shows that Ms. Cerace has extremely poor judgement when it comes to the safety of children. TGS Watch wonders how any insurance company could provide liability coverage to a school if even half of the allegations found in this comment are true.
1 Dallas County court records indicate that the felony Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon charge was eventually reduced to a misdemeanor. *** SEE UPDATE BELOW ***
2 The parent (a supporter of The Galloway School) who made the assertion that children were present during the event that led to Ms. Cerace being charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon has requested that her name be removed from this blog. Consequently, the comment that includes this information has also been removed. TGS Watch retains the original text in electronic form. See the update at the bottom of this post for more information.
Please see this comment with discussion that the hard-to-decipher Dallas County court document is inconclusive regarding the disposition of this case. All we can really divine from it is that the Irving Police Department filed an Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon charge against The Galloway School principal Bonnie Cerace with Dallas County.
Not attempting to silence you. You have freedom of speech like everyone else. It's your choice to post your name and my choice to remain anonymous. All I'm saying is what I believe, the same as you are. I have the right to state my opinion, and so do you. But that doesn't mean I have to believe what you say. Especially since you have no documentation, only a "reliable source." Maybe Bonnie isn't writing it, but using you as her mouthpiece. Whatever. But be forewarned: Later you will probably regret the fact that you let yourself get involved with her... just like everyone else does.
I trust the blogger that points to primary sources and links to those documents more than anyone who uses unnamed and undocumented "reliable sources." In fact, I find the Dallas County court system and its records to be quite reliable. I don't have the same faith in the person that shared the story with you.
I heard about this site at the "Shuttlebration" today. I am deeply saddened and I honestly feel violated as a parent of the Galloway School. If this information I am reading on the blog is true, surely we (the parents) would have been informed. I am going to speak with the administration about this at the Galloway School tomorrow
The reality is that the school is full of corruption and needs its financials audited. Do parents at the Galloway not have a right to know how their money is being spent?
The financials will have to be revealed and audited. We will then see the truth behind attempts at stifling dissent and maintaining such strict control over group communication. It has been evident in my life experience that when there is lack of transparency and stifling of communication, the truth is being hidden.
Let's dispense with the pissing contest.
Here are the facts that we know:
1. Bonnie Cerace was originally charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Dallas County Courts has provided the proof. Here is a definition of the charge: http://law.onecle.com/texas/penal/22.02.00.html
This is very scary!
2. The charge was reduced to a misdemeanor. It is reasonable to assume that a charge like this was dropped to simple assault. Here is a link to that charge's definition:
Still, this is frightening to think someone that is in charge of over children has this capability.
3. Another commenter reports a child was present during this event. Any time there is an act of violence near a child, parents are rightfully concerned.
But all of the scandal at the school does not focus solely on Bonnie Cerace. We also have the recent reports from HISD that Board President Dot Woodfin had serious ethical violations of HISD's policies regarding conflicts of interest. This wasn't 30 years ago, this coincides with Woodfin's arrival on the school board!
How many more scandals like this are going to come to light? Isn't this enough to make a person frightened? This doesn't even include the sexual harassment case, spiteful recommendation letters, or anything else that just might pop up. I don't know about any of you, but I'm really afraid to see what else is out there.
As far as the burning of the former board member's picture, that just indicates to me that Cerace is an angry, vindictive person. I don;t want her taking that anger out on my children, or anyone else's for that matter!
No, it wasn't Mr. Khan. I just don't want my kids to be retaliated against. She still has my kids' records.
I only wish I were as articulate as Mr. Khan.
But again, you have completely missed the major problems. It's not TGS Watch. It's not Mr. Khan. It's not my choice to remain anonymous. It's not your choice to sign your names to your post. The major problems are the criminal background of Bonnie Cerace. It is the ethics probe and document violations of Dot Woodfin, as found by HISD. (And HISD stated she should be DISCIPLINED over her actions!) It's the retaliation of Cerace against families that wanted to change schools via letters of recommendation. It's the invitation of the man at the center of the sexual harassment lawsuit being invited to the school for Mrs. Galloway's birthday. It's the failure of Cerace to notify a parent that her child was assaulted at school. How many more things do I need to point out? I'm not OK with all of these things. Neither are many parents.
How easily you are distracted. This blog is about the problems with the adults that run the show. It's not about people who are genuinely afraid to post openly because they see what Cerace has done in the past and they fear if they put their names out there, they'll be victimized as well. You post in support of Cerace, so you have nothing to worry about. Some of the rest of us aren't so lucky.
Don't just discount this parent just because I choose to remain anonymous. Look at the bigger picture here. Look at all the problems that have been mishandled and ignored.
sorry, "documented" violations of Dot Woodfin.
The "facts" regarding the assault charges are in fact NOT facts. Whoever is reviewing this form and posting the "facts" does not know how to properly do so. What you are looking at is simply a form and nothing indicates she was convicted of anything. Only slightly more research will show you that there was not enough evidence found to pursue any case and Ms Cerace has not been convicted of a crime.
I never said she was convicted. I said she was charged. I said the charge was reduced to a misdemeanor. That is easily found in the Dallas County record. Please take a look at that.
I did take a look at it. Charges mean nothing if there is no cinviction. She was NEVER convicted of a misdemeanor...she was never convicted of a crime.
Then please share with us how this case was concluded then. I have been researching for a bit and have yet to find how all of this played out. Can you source that for us so we can take a look at it?
Also putting into question anyone's parenting skills is immature. Please stay on topic.
What's embarrassing is the mishandling of TGS in recent years. I was once a starry-eyed parent that was lulled by Bonnie's promises and assurances. Then, I was smacked hard with reality. All of the documents provided here in this blog have shocked me even further.
There are far more parents that are shocked than are willing to post here. Some fear Bonnie, even in cyberspace. But they are talking, indeed. They are afraid to put it in print because they fear retaliation, as some people have already suffered.
Again, it's more than just a few of us that are concerned. The school has GREAT potential. It needs even greater leadership. It needs people of high moral fiber and a past that is free from scandal. But there are people in power that are not honest with those of us that have spent a great many dollars on the school. The very least they owe us all is honesty. Even Bonnie said, "Honesty is the best policy," at the upper school awards this year. I guess policies only apply to the children and she is above the life lessons she expects the children to follow. It's a shame that the children seem to have a stronger moral character than their leaders.
Yes indeed retaliation is a fear. The same retaliation shown from Mr Khan towards supporters of the school. It is clear that parents are afraid to Blogg positive experiences for that same reason. Retaliation has been proven by Mr Khans bullying tactic. Has there been proven retaliation from the school towards Mr Khan? He is the only one posting under his true identity amongst 100's of posts. That to me is strange that if there are so many unhappy people, that not one of them post under there identity. People will take note when that happens.I think if he backs down some then you will see more happy parents blogging. It's utterly disturbing that this man is trying to open a private school. He has displayed extremely ugly behavour towards supporters yet gentleman like behavour towards inquiries into his new school. Very split personality we see.I was starting to take an interest in what TGS watch was reporting however it is difficult to be influenced by TGS watch as they seem to be supporting his behavour and assisting in the advertising of Mr Khans new school. The integrity of TGS watch is most definetly questionable to me. I am certain other parents are seeing the same thing as me.
Mr. Khan is not retaliating. He's asking the hard questions.
I'd like to ask you those hard questions. No retaliation, because you are not identifying yourself.
1. How do you feel knowing that Bonnie Cerace was involved in a situation where a child was placed in grave danger?
2. How do you feel about the school board president, Dot Woodfin, being embroiled in a conflict of interest to the tune of nearly $200,000? It was a company she helped found that was selling software to a department at HISD that she appers to have been in charge of.
3. How do you feel about a man, who is the reason the school is in the middle of this lawsuit, being invited back to the school for a birthday party? Cerace admitted she fired the man!
4. How do you feel about a parent not being notified when her child is assaulted at school?
5. How do you feel about a parent finding out the school sent potentially libelous letters of "recommendation" to other schools when she decided TGS was no longer a good fit for her family?
These are the tough questions that have been asked, and all of the supporters of TGS seem to gloss on by, focusing instead on feeling unwelcomed. I welcome you, but I also expect you to remain on topic.
Are these the people you want around your children? At least Mr. Khan doesn't have a background that I have been able to find. As far as several people at the school, I can't say the same.
The above post is mine, but after typing it 5 times all 5x is would disappear if posted under my name, I gave up and decided to try under anonymous, which seemed to work. H Montes
Please disregard my message (6/4 @ 857pm.) My original message wont stay on this blog for some reason. The 829p message was not posted by me, my message no longer appears.
H. Montes
I feel that all topics of this Blogg are partial information given to mislead parents and prospective parents of TGS. I feel that it is difficult to form an opinion based on partial information. I feel that once I know the reasoning behind choices made by the school I am staying open minded. Things are not always what they seem. I also feel that Mr Khan has an agenda and all his comments are disregarded by my family.
Try from a PC.. The Blogg is amateur with many bugs. Or may be your posts are being intercepted?
Was posting from a pc, so not sure what is going on.
H. Montes,
The software that runs this Blog was engineered by the brilliant folks at GOOGLE! You claim you are having trouble posting under you own name because the blog software is full of bugs. Seriously? Wow! I guess the folks at GOOGLE are smart enough to know when I am posting so my posts go through without a hitch.
Me again. No problem posting under my own name.
Ok. Now about MY agenda. It is quite simple.
1. Getting justice for what my Son suffered at the Galloway School and what many others suffered.
2. Exposing the truth about the transgressions that continue to this day at The Galloway School.
3. Encourage others to advocate for their own children and clearly demonstrate, by publicly identifying myself, that Bonnie Cerace, Dot Woodfin, and their cohorts can do absolutely nothing to anyone willing to stand up for the truth.
That's it.
I am starting The Newton School because I think it gives parents control and transparency over the operations of the school that they would be paying for with their hard earned money. It will also give the parents and teachers control over designing a world class curriculum. I think any sensible person will realize that it would be many years before I would break even on my investment of several hundreds of thousands of dollars required to start the school. This is not for finaincial gain, I have two technology businesses for that.
So, if you want to know about The Newton School and the reasons behind my decision to open it, then come to the information session at Panera on June 9th.
By the way Bonnie/Dot, regardless of what I decide to do about the Newton School, I will incessantly pursue the exposure of all transgressions at The Galloway School. That is a sure bet.
Now back to the real topics:
1. How do you feel knowing that Bonnie Cerace was involved in a situation where a child was placed in grave danger?
2. How do you feel about the school board president, Dot Woodfin, being embroiled in a conflict of interest to the tune of nearly $200,000? It was a company she helped found that was selling software to a department at HISD that she appers to have been in charge of.
3. How do you feel about a man, who is the reason the school is in the middle of this lawsuit, being invited back to the school for a birthday party? Cerace admitted she fired the man!
4. How do you feel about a parent not being notified when her child is assaulted at school?
5. How do you feel about a parent finding out the school sent potentially libelous letters of "recommendation" to other schools when she decided TGS was no longer a good fit for her family?
Inaccurate info.. I don't think H Montes stated the software had bugs? Did she? I thought you were ending this? I guess we all are entitle to a change of mind. Not getting off track just pointing out your inaccurate statement. Don't want people miss informed from such a highly regarded person.
He also seems to be knowledgable on the software of the bloggs. Sorry.. Stating the obvious now.
I stand corrected. H.Montes did not state the software had bugs - YOU did immediately following this strange sequence of posts from H. Montes:
Anonymous said...
The above post is mine, but after typing it 5 times all 5x is would disappear if posted under my name, I gave up and decided to try under anonymous, which seemed to work. H Montes
June 4, 2012 8:57 PM
Anonymous said...
Please disregard my message (6/4 @ 857pm.) My original message wont stay on this blog for some reason. The 829p message was not posted by me, my message no longer appears.
H. Montes
I can only conclude that H. Montes was highly unlikely to have experienced such problems posting under hoer own name on this blog since I have no problems whatsoever. The blog software runs from a web server hosted by GOOGLE. If one person experiences problems posting, ALL of us would experience the same problems. Nobody else experienced any problems. Just making sure you understand the technology before any further theatrics are played out as an excuse to post under Anonymous but yet sign off using a real name.
This thread is starting to resemble reality TV.
It is quite easy to know about the software running these blogs, just Google it. I also happen to be a software developer.
I am a parent of one of the approximately 20 children (24 total children in 5th grade) leaving the Galloway School this year. I invite each parent reading this blog to contact one of us. I do not want to speak about my experience at the school but I assure you it was not good. My husband just wants to drop the issue and move on. I have nothing positive to say about the school. Nothing.
I completely understand your position. I also asked my Wife to drop the issue and move on. However, I changed my mind after watching my child have nightmares involving his teacher and the school. Then seeing him try to hide out of embarassment from his former Galloway classmates when he saw them at a local restaurant was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. I vowed that night to look into what is really going on at the Galloway School and was stunned with what I found.
I would be happy to contact you. Please email me at ekram@cieos.com or call me at 973-703-4437 so we can privately communicate. Thank you for caring enough to stay involved. The best interest of the children is really the purpose of this blog.
To anonymous, Please confirm the number of students who attended 5 th grade in the school year you talk about. The student directory does not reflect 24. Just want to clarify as there was another post last week stating 24 students.
So how many students are there in Grade 5? And how many will there be in Grade 6? If there is a large discrepency, why is that the case?
We are only getting half truths here. If you go to the Dallas county actual records division you will see that the charge was a no bill. As with the chronicle, you are only seeing a one sided story. Solt case has not been settled as far as I can tell.
It appears you have intimate knowledge of what the Dallas County Court records say. Then kindly scan and post the documents that support what you claim. We would all love to see it.
Newspapers can't publish half-truths because of the risk of libel. If the newspapers were incorrect about Dot Woodfin's ethics probe, then why did Dot Woodfin not sue them for libel?
Would you say the HISD auditor was also incorrect? Would you say that the recommendation of disciplinary action against Dot Woodfin by the HISD auditor is also incorrect? If you dispute those allegations, kindly scan and post documentation from primary sources that vindicate Dot Woodfin. Thank you.
The no bill is on the website that the report shown on the link in this website. You seem to want everyone to do research for you. It appears that you only believe what is posted by tgs watch. Why don't you do your own research and find out for yourself. We love the Galloway school. Our children have excelled at the school. I have never had any of the problems mentioned in this blog. We will continue to be a prt of this school. I've done my research, now go do yours.
I have done all the research I need. You keep evading all other issues and only want to harp on lgeal semantics involving a clear case of Bonnie Cerace's involvement in a violent altercation with a child present.
I am happy that you will keep your children at the Galloway School. If you are receiving what you want from the school, then that is great. What I fail to understand is why ANYONE who is a HAPPY parent would have a need to post Anonymously? There is abosutely no need to do so. What repercussions would anyone who would make glowingly positive reviews about the Galloway School face? It is ridiculous to think that they would face any legal liability, or the wrath of Bonnie Cerace. So why don't you and any of the throngs of satisfied Galloway Parents that you say exist, post publicly under your own name? Or give a logical reason why it would be a good idea for the happy parents to stay incognito...UNLESS your motives are to divert attention to the real issues being discussed on this blog.
The no bill is on the website that the report shown on the link in this website.
Anon (June 5, 2012 1:16 PM):
Your statement is very confusing. I interpret it to mean that this Dallas County court document shows the case was no-billed. Please specify what you are referring to. I'll be happy to highlight that fact if I can point to a document.
~TGS Watch
I am continually hearing about this blog at work, the grocery store, and even when I was at summer camp registration. I never wanted to participate in this blog but I feel obligated to inform parents of what my perception of the Galloway School is. First and foremost the interest of the children is of the utmost importance. Parents on this blog should stop attacking each other and look at the facts. The fact is many of the 5th grade students have left the school. This is a fact. Why? I recommend asking the parents. The Galloway School has a student book . Call the parents.
Is it just me, or does anyone else notice that this thread has 95 comments while the others have suddenly gone cold? Perhaps this is a result of a coordinated campaign of misdirection and misinformation by Bonnie and her Anonymous proxies. Even this thread is polluted with irrelevant comments. I guess we should not expect anything different from those who have much to hide.
Ekram, you have hit the nail on the head. I can assure you, they have MUCH to hide.
32 posts are from Ekram Khan! That makes me laugh out loud!
But many of those 32 comments are trying to get folks back on topic. That saddens me that adults can't focus on the true problems long enough to address them.
32 posts are from Ekram.. That makes me laugh out loud. You are complaining about your own actions Ekram. Do you really think adults reading this are stupid? We read the same as you but yet your analysis is so twisted. This entire Blogg is twisted. Y'all are quite good I have to admitt. You had me engaged for a while. Now logging off.
Now, logging off? You'll be back.
We were longtime Galloway parents from WAY back in the day...maybe some perspective can be gained from our experience. TGS was started as the dream of Mr. Galloway and brought to fruition by his wife. The school had very a very humble start with parents and kids who were excited about learning - it really was like a big family. The leadership was always moving in the direction of making it a premier school in the area. When the school moved from the CL location to Friendswood, it had 90+ students. Of course, with growth, comes growing pains. But, many of the founding families stayed with the school because of its standards, values and leadership. Was it perfect? No. Is any school or school system perfect? No. But, it appears that the recent family additions to the school expect extraordinary treatment, glowing recommendations, etc. Let's face it. The school is a business. If you don't like the business, find another. If it as corrupt and tainted as you say, it will fall on it's own. The "consumers" will find another place to do their business.
This whole business started as a result of a lawsuit -what began as a "He said, she said" turned into one thing - $$$. And, as far as I know, no one has been found guilty of anything. Not Mrs. Solt. Not Coach David. Innocent until proven guilty seems to have been forgotten
I can understand why posters have been inclined to stay anonymous. Anyone who has a different opinion to that of the Blog author and frequent poster, becomes ridiculed and chided. This will be my only post. I hope that the parties involved can move on - find a school that you love, but don't tear this one down with rumors, half-truths, and spiteful rage. It isn't flattering to anyone.
Anonymous who is logging off,
32 posts are from me because I had to reign in your attempts at misdirection and twisting the facts. I wish I did not have to do that. Actually, I would not have to do that if you just focused on the topic and answered the questions that were posed numerous times. I refuse to let you and your proxies take over this blog and pollute it with lies.
I don't think the fact that I need to post 32 times is funny at all. However, I do find your logic quite comedic.
Your tone and the fact that you continue to feel the need to attack me personally clearly indicates you are not a parent of a Galloway student, but rather, you are either acting on behalf of Bonnie Cerace and company, or you are Bonnie. There, I have said it. Don't blame anyone else for calling you out. You are not fooling anyone with your attempt at clever misdirection. You insult the intelligence of the fine people who are reading this blog out of genuine concern for the future of their children.
You want to make me a target, then have your lawyers come after me. You have already attempted that once in the most ridiculously impotent manner. Don't waste everyone's time on this blog venting your personal issues and animosity towards me for focusing the light on your transgressions. This is just the beginning Bonnie. That light will continue to steadily get brighter until you will succumb to the heat. In the interest of the children, I guarantee that.
The decline in enrollment numbers, the exodus of teachers, and the truth behind libelous recommendation letters will be the undoing of the school. I agree with your astute assessment that the school is a business and every business that is mismanaged will eventually fail. The writing is on the wall.
My frequent posting will continue regardless of what you say. I would respect your opinion if you were a parent. But it is obvious you are not.
Like I said before, any parent wishing to post about their positive experience with the Galloway School will do so without feeling the need to level personal attacks on anyone who did not have a good experience at the Galloway School.
It was also shocking that you attacked new families that contributed to the growth of the Galloway School as having extraordinary expectations and glowing recommendations. Should the parents who are paying in excess of $10,000 per year in tuition not have expectations of a high caliber education and people with good moral character in charge of educating their children? Do customers at Nordstrom not expect exceptional customer service? If you are going to portray the Galloway School as an elite private school deliver high caliber academic instruction, then you better be prepared for your "customers" to have extraordinary expectations.
Having seen the post about students leaving the 5 th grade ... That is normal turn over. Most families at that time send their children to the public school system. That is nothing outstanding for any private school. I am familiar with the 5 th as my oldest was in that grade this year. They wanted to go to public school to be able to be with friends and I also wanted them to experience school outside of private school system My 4 th grader along with their friends will be moving into the 5 th grade which are several children. We have put alot time and energy into this school. I do not believe alot of what is in this blog. It is easy to take a small portion of a story and twist it to your on agenda. I chose to post anonymous because I believe the parents and Mr. Khan are the ones that appear to be losing it. Your turn Mr. Khan. I am sure this is worth another tirade of postings from you.
Having seen the post about students leaving the 5 th grade ... That is normal turn over. Most families at that time send their children to the public school system. That is nothing outstanding for any private school. I am familiar with the 5 th as my oldest was in that grade this year. They wanted to go to public school to be able to be with friends and I also wanted them to experience school outside of private school system My 4 th grader along with their friends will be moving into the 5 th grade which are several children. We have put alot time and energy into this school. I do not believe alot of what is in this blog. It is easy to take a small portion of a story and twist it to your on agenda. I chose to post anonymous because I believe the parents and Mr. Khan are the ones that appear to be losing it. Your turn Mr. Khan. I am sure this is worth another tirade of postings from you.
I guess that's my problem. If I didn't demand ethical leadership, a safe learning environment, and consistency in financial transparency, I would be content, as several of the parents seem to be here. You're probably right, Mr. Khan. My expectations were too high. At least in the the public school, transparency and accountability abounds. Hide stuff, get voted off the board. Do things wrong, get fired. At Galloway, NO PROBLEM! People that expect more will eventually go away and let us do our thing. How sad for the kids. They need a safe place to learn, filled with morally and ethically sound individuals running the show. Poor teachers and kids. They just don't seem to have that, do they?
If you KNOW that historically the kids leave after 5th grade, why in the HELL do you build a new addition for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, knowing this is a transitional set of years for returning to public school.
I guess this proves management DOES make unwise decisions. That addition money could have been used for a lot of things in the lower school.
So, this does confirm the 5th grade problem, now, doesn't it?
No tirades. Just facts.
1. You have obviously put in time and energy into the school yet you don't think enough of it to keep your children there and support the new Middle School expansion of the Galloway School. Does that make any sense? Most other elite schools like Kincaid don't experience what you characterize as normal decline in enrollment for private schools. If the Galloway School administrators know that there is a traditional decline in Middle School enrollment, then do you think it made good business sense to spend tuition money on expansion for a Middle School facility?
2. How many students were in Grade 5 this year and how many will be in Grade 5 next year? Forget about Grade 6.
3. How many students are leaving the lower school?
4. How many teachers are leaving at all grade levels? Do you think that 30% teacher turnover is normal in private or even public school systems?
Factual answers to those questions would be appreciated.
I had a wonderful private Elementary and High School experience. I am still in touch with most of my Elementary and High School teachers. I wanted my children to experience the same and that is why I enrolled them at the Galloway School. They are now in CCISD public schools. On the last day of school, my Son hugged his teacher and cried and told him that he was going to miss him over the Summer break and asked him to be his Grade 2 teacher. However, while my Son was at The Galloway School, he couldn't wait to escape at the end of the day, and was crying for a VERY different reason.
It just means that some families transition and some do not. Like I said several of the children are moving into the 5 th grade some of the students are moving to the sixth grade. If your children will not be going to the school this year then why do you care. And why is it Khan just because someone doesn't agree with you're are not considered by you as a parent. I pity any one enrolling into your school. God forbid they should disagree with you. Remember you are the one that started blogging on here. We are simply letting our feelings be known as well!
I believe that is irrelevant. On the last day of school the Galloway school teachers received that same love. I was there to witness. You state that TGS has lost a large amount of children. Please scan and post the document you are observing to be able to boldly make that statement.
I have a suggestion mr. Khan. Instead of trying to recruit Galloway parents by touting how horrible a school you seem to think it is.... Why don't you start telling us more about the Newton school.?
Correction, it is relevant because I am specifically speaking about my Son's experience, not that of all the students at The Galloway School. I am sure there are many students at The Galloway School that genuinely love their teachers and I am sure those teachers deserve that love.
There's a meeting June 9 at Panera Bread in Baybrook. Why not come to the meeting? Mr. Khan is even picking up the tab!!
By all means, continue sharing your feelings on this blog but be prepared to back up your statements. I don't think anyone needs your pity. We just all need the truth. This is yet another post evading the real issues. The readers understand your motives.
Please answer those q's for us with your documentation attached. I will respond once I have viewed your documents.
Excellent comment.
Your statements also need back up. Right? I am patiently waiting your documentation on your above questions. You need to prove as they are statements you believe. I will comment once I have looked over them.
Let us know your guest list please. I am sure parents are not easily won over by your charming offers Ekram. I hope not for the sake of their children!! You will be posting your background check here I hope? Ease a few minds before enrollment starts.
What you need to know about the Newton School is summarized by the following words: parental control.
Mr Khan is not answering his own questions. Why? Because he doesn't have factual answers. His questions indicate a negative and trick people into his way of thinking. Wonder what his answers will indicate?
Answers with documentation we hope (;
Since you are so concerned about my background check, I will be more than happy to post it hear after Bonnie Cerace posts hers. I believe your concern is misplaced since you claim to have children at the Galloway School where Bonnie Cerace does not have a policy to do background checks. Should that not be a concern. I have been checked numerous times and vetted by some of the largest Venture Capital firms in the country. Again, happy to post it once Bonnie posts hers.
The answer to the question about enrollment lies with Bonnie and would have been readily available for viewing in the hallway of the Galloway School were it had always been posted until it was inexplicably taken down.
I know several families in the lower school that will not have their children at the Galloway School next year. However , you will need to ask Bonnie about the exact numbers since she is hiding he documentation. How about you ask me a question about something for which I can actually get documentation so I can provide it for you?
I am afraid of being ridiculed by mr.Khan if I post my identity and do not feel comfortable getting into an ugly battle. I am not Miss.Cerace or anyone else you present to the readers I am, so I choose too remain anonymous. Please respect that. My grandchildren have gone to the Galloway school for several years. I am very active with there education. When we were growing up we were taught to work through difficult times and communicate clearly to others. I try to project this on them with my approach. We have had a few minor issues there but we all worked through them for the sake of my babies.. I believe what separates parents/guardians who had good and bad experiences is how we worked through them and how we accept responsibility. The school and I worked together and communicated like adults should. Life has been difficult and I really appreciate the administration, teachers and leaders at this school. I think if those upset parents use this blogg to feel better and seek revenge then there life will always be the same troubled life. I feel terrible that children are unsettled and being moved around because we can't work life's issues out. Shifting blame is not effective. I know from my past mistakes and learn from that. Sorry if this sounds ugly but It is my true account. I wish this didn't exist and that people could move onto the next chapter of their life with dignity and grace. Raising children is hard work. They seem to be just words to many parents out there. Your hard work will pay off as mine is starting to show through my grandchildren. Education and happiness is down to the schools we choose and family and friends we surround our self in. It is not only down to the school. My family have experienced great things by being apart of the Galloway school. I do not want to be apart of answering questions you post as I don't need too. I am very happy where I am. Thank you, and I do sincerely hope to all involved in this blogg resolutions are made soon. Best Regard's.
Something I find interesting:
the Bonnie sycophants do not deny enrollment is dropping. They do not state the school will be robust with students. Instead, they employ the 3rd grade rant of "Prove it!!"
Here's the problem. Multiple people have come to this blog and told of personal stories about children being bullied and assaulted. Bonnie's sycophants do not address these problems. They do not deny the occurred. They just don't acknowledge the issues at all. Instead of asking those posters who identified themselves questions about the incidents that occurred, they want proof of enrollment numbers.
One of Bonnie's supporters even admitted Bonnie put lives in danger as she charged into a situation that is better left to law enforcement. That poster doesn't acknowledge that this is problematic in the least.
If all of this weren't so sad, it would be laughable.
Can I prove enrollment numbers? No. All I can do is tell you what other parents have told me specifically about their children and where they will attend school next year. Children in my child's class have told him they aren't returning. If that many are serious, there will be very, very few bodies in the new wing next year.
How many students does it take to break even? Several of the upper school teachers aren't returning. If there are as few kids in grades 6-8 as my child has told me, will the school even bother to fill those positions? Will they have to stop offering regular and advanced sections of math if there;s only one math teacher? Will they expect the teachers to pick up the slack and teach several more sections of classes?
This has far deeper implications than many people think.
Does TGS watch have documentation to show numbers are low, background checks are not done, burning of pictures, etc. you question everyone's credibility and Sources of info yet you don't have or reviewed documents to back up these statements? You push them to comment on those topics yet you don't actually have proof? If she goes first you will follow? It really doesn't make sense. I don't care who you were vetted by as this is not my question. You accuse posters of the exact same thing you are showing. "getting off track". Is your only source ex teachers? How credible are your sources? When claims are made they need to be factually backed. The parents who defend the school shouldn't have to do your work. I am sure with all your personal hype, that you have resources to do background checks? I do and perform checks on all caregivers to my child. One cannot assume the other is looking out for the best interst of the child. I am responsible for him and take full control and preventative measures in his life.
The post from the Grandmother is one of the most genuine posts I have read on this blog. You have nothing to fear about being ridiculed. I lament the fact that when my Son needed help and I asked for it from his teacher, it was three months later that Bonnie sent an email to me saying that they now have time to discuss my Son's issues. THREE MONTHS. Bonnie's first email to me stated that he could not read three letter words, yet he was reading chapter books for his teacher in class. Obviously, the head did not know what the hand was doing. I was directly told that they had to postpone a meeting with me about my concerns until AFTER the party for Mrs. Galloway. With all due respect, I think student affairs should take priority over parties. Again, three months passed before we were given an appointment date. That is completely unacceptable.
I am happy for you that your Grandchildren are getting what you expect and that you are able to engage their teachers in a positive way. Your experience there has been largely due to the teachers, many of whom are now leaving. Unfortunately, we did not think a THREE MONTH response time for an issue was acceptable by any standard and withdrew our children. In addition, our complaints were ignored and rumors were spread about us to other Galloway parents. My Son experienced passive aggressive ridicule in class that continues to affect him.
I wish we had the same experience as the Grandmother commenting positively did. I would much rather be a raving fan of the Galloway School than have to expose the grave transgressions there. I have stated many times that I truly wish this blog was unnecessary. Unfortunately, the true events documented in this blog are stranger than fiction.
I agree that life presents many challenges, but school should always be a safe haven for the children. The Galloway School was definitely not a safe haven for my children and many others. I do find it strange that none of the parents who have shared their positive experiences at the Galloway even acknowledge any of the problems we have exposed.
Anon (June 5, 2012 9:20 PM)
Your comment is incoherent. I have not accused anyone of "getting off track". In fact, I think I've been extremely tolerant with respect to the comments. You also demand documentation for assertions I've never made. You seem very confused.
~TGS Watch
Anonymous who asks for documentation of picture burning and claims to do background checks,
So you are saying that you are a parent at the Galloway School and you have performed a background check on the teacher responsible for your child, when the school does not do background checks? How were you able to get that done without the personal identifier information of the teacher and the teacher’s written consent? It would be very strange in any school for parents to be running individual background checks at will.
I am not TGS Watch, but I will state that asking for documentation in support of the picture burning claim would mean that the picture burning would have been reported to the police and fire Marshalls and they would have documented it. It obviously was not reported to the police and fire Marshalls but numerous first hand sources present at the school have confirmed it. Please don't think asking for what is obviously impossible to produce supports your position. Perhaps the police and the fire Marshall should be called at this point and have them do an investigation. I am sure Bonnie will enjoy that, as would all staff that would be interviewed.
It is obvious you have no idea about what it means to be vetted by a Venture Capital firm. The level of scrutiny far exceeds what a standard background check does and also involves review of detailed financials. Ahhh...financials...something that Bonnie and The Galloway School have been adamant about not releasing even though the LAW requires them to do so.
So, before you make comments about others having to produce documentation, perhaps you can ask Bonnie or Dot to produce the financials for the Galloway School. Don't you find it the least bit disturbing that they refuse to do so? Well, they won't have much of a choice since formal requests for the financial documentation will force them to finally reveal them, or face the consequences if they don't.
Sorry ); it was suppose to be addressed to Mr khan. I wondered as he was asking for answers if TGS watch could help. Hope this is more clear.
Please tell me more....
To clear up the 5th grade questions, my son was in 5th grade this past school year and there were two sections of 5th grade both starting with 10 students in each class. I am not sure if any students enrolled throughout the school year or not to increase these numbers. 5th grade has always been a turning point at Galloway. Some families transition into the WAVE program or public schools, some transition into other private schools that go all the way up to high school, and others stay at Galloway. I do know of several students transitioning on to other schools next year for 6th grade but it is not all because of the staff/administration of the school or negative experiences. We have been very pleased with our experience here over the past several years.
Also, as far as the new addition that was built for the school it was not just for the middle school students. I believe art, music, and Spanish classes are in the new building. The school is growing and needed new classrooms. 3rd grade was held in the lower school side of the school due to not having enough classrooms to accommodate them in upper school. The new additon was not a waste of our tuition dollars or school funding, it was an absolute necessity.
Proper planning could have added the required square footage for the lower school, as well as the Spanish and Music classes. Tuition money was clearly wasted building EXCESS capacity since history clearly indicates no real need for middle school expansion. This is something that would not have happened if there was transparency in the management decisions, an elected board of directors, and direct parent participation. Hmm…I wonder who owns the construction company that built the middle school addition?
Dear Galloway School Watch,
I am a first time visitor to this blog. I am amazed at what I am reading. I was given a copy of this blog by one of my colleagues. I feel that many parents are unaware of what is truly going on at this school. I reviewed court documents and other records mentioned here and found them to be true. I felt ill when I read the weapons charges. I have been deceived. There is absolutely no way I will continue at this school next year.
I enrolled my children at the Galloway School with the great enthusiasm in October of 2011 but unfortunately had to withdraw them in March of 2012. Like you I had no idea about any of these issues until I found the TGS Watch blog. I blame myself for not doing enough research into the school prior to enrolling my children. I will never make that mistake again.
Good luck with your choice of school and best wishes for your children.
Another 5th grade parent states....We are leaving this school to get a better education for our children.
4th grade parent preparing for test and other means to exit the Galloway School after the 5th grade. I do not feel the Galloway School can prepare my daughter for High School and beyond. I am fully aware of the problems sib=nce lasst year. We had hoped things would get better but they are only getting worse.
I did not understand your comment. Your child just finished the 4th grade and going to the 5th grade? And you are leaving the school after your child completes the 5th grade? Or are you saying that he will not be attending the 5th grade?
The documentation for enrollment numbers is in your hands. They were formerly on public display in the hallway at the Galloway School. Perhaps you can print and post a new one?
Mr. Khan, I have been following this blog since it first started out with the sexual harassment claim by Lori Solt. It is ironic and sad that it has turned into a medium for you and a small faction of like thinking people with the intent of trying to destroy people's reputation for your own greedy intentions. we are alike in one way – we both have money. From my objective viewpoint, I see that you are an angry man who is using this blog to use scare tactics and bribery (offering to credit parents for the tuition they have already paid to Galloway if they will come to your school and offering to pay attorney fees if they wanted to sue) to build a school that is non-existent at this time and has no credibility. And you plan to do this in a matter of months based on your word alone. I find this amusing. What do you really know about education? Do you really expect to fill your positions for the school and have a quality curriculum ready in a matter of a few months? Rather ambitious to say the least even for an educational expert whom I don't believe you are. While you are determined to pour your money in a disparaging manner by tearing down people and the school, I prefer to put my money into finding out more about these individuals and the school and at the very Ieast provide additional information so parents can weigh their decision about education for their children in a more honest approach. By the way Mr. Khan, I must say that condoning the publishing of Mrs.Galloway's home phone number and asking people to call her to complain when you are aware she is L00 years old is unwarranted and speaks volumes about your character. I must admit this has served as a catalyst for me to get involved in this situation. One other thing, I do not believe that all newspaper articles are accurate nor do I believe that HISD's ambiguous documents as you presented them are complete and I further question their accuracy. Some things just do not add up. To the parents of Galloway: do not panic and succumb to fear based tactics. I will be back with information, good or bad, that perhaps will assist you in making a decision that you feel is best for your child. I do not sign my name because quite frankly Mr. Khan, a person with as many aliases as you have does not fit my criteria for trustworthiness. I have no self-serving agenda; however, your agenda is very obvious. Your business plan is to plant seeds of doubt and panic in parents in order to start your school. Such a shame. An honorable man should seek to start a school based on his passion for educating our youth and preparing them to succeed in the "real world" and not on retaliatory methods against a school that you feel was perhaps not a good fit for your son. Recruiting students and parents would be based on your ability to provide a superior educational experience rather than trying to destroy a school or "buy the Galloway School" in order to circumvent the hard work and time required to establish a great school based on strong educational standards. Your motives are certainly suspect.
Third Party,
Wow. You seem to be posting comments on every post. I admire your dedication.
Kindly post something more relevant than the tired line that I have greedy motives and I am an angry parent. What is your plan to save the Galloway School?
I just posted a comment on the previous blog, however as I read through the entirety of this blog I an saddened and angry at the same time. Mr. Khan I think you are telling the truth. Each year we have thought about leaving the school but there was no where else to go. We are leaving. I am going to show this to my huusband
Are you kidding Third Party. you need to post only once. You accuse Mr. Khan of anger, but you are a very angry person. No one will take you seriously now. You just lost your credibility. And Mr. Khan well handled, I admire your dedication to find out about the truth.
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