The report indicates that Bonnie Cerace, current principal at The Galloway School in Friendswood, Texas, attracted the attention of the Irving Police Department by allegedly “pointing [a] gun at [complaintant G.A. Fritz], threatening to kill him.”

TGS Watch believes this matter is the same incident TGS Watch reported earlier where Irving Police referred an Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon charge against Ms. Cerace to the Dallas County Grand Jury. Both the Irving Police Department document and the related Dallas County Court document contain the same serial/case number 11545. Even after examining both official documents, the final disposition of the case is unclear.

A supporter of The Galloway School claims to have knowledge about this matter, but some of it contradicts official police records. The TGS supporter specifically denied that the incident involving Ms. Cerace involved the use of a gun despite the Irving Police Department report. Secondly, the TGS supporter suggested that at least one child was present when Ms. Cerace committed the acts leading to the Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon grand jury referral. TGS Watch has no evidence contradicting the claim that one or more children were present at the Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon scene.
Parents need to evaluate whether The Galloway School is an appropriate place to send their children when the principal has been accused with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, particularly when children may have been present during the incident. TGS Watch takes the physical safety of young school children very seriously and would not enroll Jr. TGS Watch or Younger Brother TGS Watch in a school where people in leadership positions have these kinds of allegations in their past. Recall, too, that Ms. Cerace has reported on-going threats, including an incident at The Galloway School described by the Friendswood Police Department as a Terroristic Threat in 2011. A reasonable person may conclude that The Galloway School does not adequately protect the physical safety of its students.
Area public schools provide a more rigorous academic program while simultaneously providing more transparency regarding its school safety / background checks processes.
Where are the suppoerters of the Galloway School who adamantly said that a gun was not used in this incident? I can't believe that the words school, guns, assault, terroristic threat are used in the same conversation. Thanks to Bonnie Cerace, the use of those words will continue to be a common occurence. I hope prospective parents see the light before enrolling their precious children at the Galloway School. I am glad I removed my children.
It's amazing to me that with this document,which is a matter if public record, and anyone can easily obtain a copy, that Bonnie Cerace would tell her entire staff about this incident - BUT told them that there was NO GUN INVOLVED!! Why would she blatantly LIE about this, when the actual police report could be so easily obtained to verify the facts? I'll tell you why. It's because lying is what she does, and she is so full of herself that she thinks all she has to do is make up something to tell people and they will believe it. Anyone who believes anything Bonnie Cerace says- well, you are obviously as stupid as she is. How can you tell she is lying? Her mouth is moving.
As a parent, I absolutely WOULD NEVER trust her around my child. The existence of this blog and the myriad of issues surrounding this woman and her inappropriate behavior bears witness to what kind of person is running the Galloway School. It is unbelievable that she is allowed to continue playing principal. The students, parents and staff deserve better. I suspect that it's only a matter of time before she is DONE.
Hey, TGS Watch...remember me? I told you that you needed to check out a "John Fritz." Now you have a "G.A. Fritz" in the police report. You're getting closer!!
Anon (July 23, 2012 11:21 PM):
You and your cryptic messages. I get it, G.A. Fritz and John Fritz share their last name. I guess I should get busy trying to connect the two. Please give me something a little more specific than this.
~ TGS Watch
Mr. Khan,
It's entirely possible that Cerace has very few supporters left. Who in their right mind would support her? Her lawyer perhaps, but only because he is getting paid. Staff & faculty dont support her; I've spoken to many of them. They want to keep their jobs, but have ZERO respect for her, and know that lying for her is as natural as breathing. Those who appear to be supporting her are only doing so in order to keep their jobs.
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