Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bonnie Cerace Fired from The Galloway School

Sources tell TGS Watch today that Bonnie Cerace has been fired from The Galloway School in Friendswood, Texas.

As the physical safety of children is a top priority for any school, we strongly encourage the leadership at The Galloway School to change the locks on the school immediately. Perhaps the school's administration should contact the Friendswood Police Department to report that Ms. Cerace has been fired and she is known to be volatile.  Recall that the Irving Police Department charged Ms. Cerace with Assault with a Deadly Weapon for allegedly pointing a gun at a man and threatening to kill him.  A TGS Watch commenter reported that the fact that a child or children were present did not deter Ms. Cerace from committing such a gravely reckless act.

Just as this blog anticipated, Debbie Stroud, the assistant principal and interim Head of School, has personal integrity.  TGS Watch doesn't know who The Galloway School will ultimately appoint to replace Ms. Cerace, but we all wish Ms. Stroud the best as she navigates the school during this tumultuous time.


 *** UPDATE *** 

A loyal reader provides new information -- a Dallas County court record related to Ms. Cerace's case. It indicates the Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon charge was no-billed by a grand jury.  TGS Watch has no further information regarding the final disposition of this case.


Anonymous said...

Thirteen months ago Marie Galloway and the Galloway Foundation attended an August 2012 board meeting and demanded that Ms. Cerace be immediately terminated or forced to resign. At that time, the school board, headed by Dot Woodfin, refused Ms. Galloway's demands and allowed Ms. Cerace to continue her policy of abuse to students, parents, and staff. It was only when the school was refused any further money from the Galloway Foundation that forced the school board to fire Ms. Cerace. The sad fact is, the school hasn't received foundation funds for over a year and they are broke. In my opinion, the school board was forced by money, not morals, to finally do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Albeit late, justice has been served.

Good riddance Bonnie Cerace!

Anonymous said...

Wow. If firing the victim of sexual harassment, offering the harasser a new contract, getting the school into a nasty lawsuit, and bullying parents, students, and staff wasn't enough to can Cerace, what did it take to finally get her?

You're not kidding about needing to change the locks! She's probably fuming that someone finally stood up to her and got rid of her. Maybe the police should patrol the school out of an abundance of caution. Isn't that why Bonnie had the police at the school for a few days a couple of years ago?

Anonymous said...

The school board may have been forced by money,the lack there of, to fire Bonnie Cerace but the lack of money was directly caused by the integrity and morals of the Foundation recognizing that Bonnie Cerace had a deficit of these qualities that negatively impacted her decision making process and her performance implementing her decisions. So in the end Bonnie was fired due to her poor performance and the Solts prevailed for being able to bring Bonnie's poor performance to the attention of the Foundation. Kudos to the Solts for fighting the good fight. Bonnie's dismissal brings justice to so many who had the misfortune of running afoul Bonnie and provides an opportunity for Mrs. Galloway's original vision to be enacted. Dear God, please bless all involved according to their need and for Your glory. In Jesus name, amen.

Anonymous said...

Changing the locks won't keep Bonnie out.
Maxine and Bonnie share a house together so Bonnie can get into Gallaway school whenever she wants.

BTW: Dot will always defend her partner in life; Bonnie. Just in case you didn't know about that little conflict of interest.

Anonymous said...

Well FINALLY. The school board at long last grew a backbone and got rid of the cancer that was keeping the school from reaching its full potential. Perhaps the vision of James and Marie Galloway will be realized now that the sociopath lying excuse for a principal is gone. As a previous commenter said, they may have been led to get rid of her because of money, but the Galloway Foundation money was cut off BECAUSE it was the moral and ethical thing to do. Im sure Cerace assured everyone on the board, "Oh, it will be fine! We will make it without the Galloway money! I've got it all under control!" Right. I really commend Mrs. Galloway for pulling her support after all the dirt came out on Cerace as a result of the Solt lawsuit. Is that why Bonnie was teaching Spanish?? No money to hire anyone? I'm sure she tried to force that job on Perla Dougherty, but good for Perla for refusing. One person can only do so much. The Solt lawsuit certainly got the ball rolling, and they won their case against Cerace, but they were very disappointed at the time that the board chose to keep Cerace nonetheless. Im sure John and Lori Solt are beyond ecstatic that she has been kicked to the curb where she belongs with the rest of the trash. I also feel sure that the staff at TGS will be raising a few glasses in celebration of her well-deserved firing. And they should. Not to mention all the students she abused, and the dozens of other people she screwed: Susan Bennett, Nehri, Bambi and Bill Teaff, and on and on. And I heard that Sue Harral was CRYING. Really, Sue? How could you possibly feel sorry for her? She brought it all upon herself by her unethical behavior and incessant LYING. Or were they tears of happiness? As Martha Stewart would say, this is a GOOD THING for the school. If Bonnie were smart (but unfortunately, we all know she isn't), she would get herself some professional counseling and seek God. As a Christian, I do pray for evil people, and pray for my enemies. I truly do hope she will try and get some help to save her from herself. Truly, she is her own worst enemy. It is true that what goes around comes around, and that you reap what you sow. Have you learned this lesson yet, Bonnie? It would be truly unfortunate if you haven't. Now that you have suffered the humiliation that you needlessly put so many others through, perhaps now you will realize that you can't just continue treating people like crap, having no morals or ethics, and piling lies upon lies and not expect to suffer the consequences. Yes Bonnie, you ARE replaceable. Even your hand-picked board finally had enough of you! Thank you to the Solts for persevering through their lawsuit to the end. The firing of Bonnie Cerace was exactly the outcome they had hoped for. Now... We all would really like to know the details of what exactly happened recently that finally caused the board to relieve her of her duties. DO TELL. In any case, thank you, TGS school board for finally growing a pair and doing the right thing. Better late than never.

Anonymous said...

She's gone. FINALLY! I hope one day she realizes how many people she hurt in her many years at TGS. I have never seen such an abuse of power as I saw in Bonnie Cerace. How a bully kept her job so long is beyond my comprehension.

I am not so quick to heap praise on the board just yet. For YEARS, Cerace was given free rein over everything. She was accountable to no one. Her vindictiveness drove great families and teachers from the school, year after year. The board turned a blind eye to everything.
My fear is that the change was strictly motivated by finances. If that's the case, how much change will really take place? The morals must be overhauled. The school bills itself as a Christian-based school. It takes more than a once a week chapel session to call the school based on Christianity. Parents, now is the time to be heard. Now is the time to demand more of a voice in the school. It would be a great time to develop a new accountability system that includes elections of board members. The door has been flung open. Time to roll up some sleeves and dig into the dirty work of building up a school that the Galloway family can REALLY be proud to call their legacy.

Good luck, Mrs. Stroud!! Raise that Owl Pride banner high! It's been a long time coming.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Amen, Amen!!!

The witch is dead!

God bless all of those mentioned for their help. I am sure there are a lot more that had a hand in helping rid this cancer from the school. They should let out early today!!

Anonymous said...

Sue Harral crying? Only because she cannot retain the title of "chief snitch" anymore. It's a wonder her nose doesn't have permanent brown stains on it.

In fact several of the remaining faculty needs to be addressed in terms of their integrity. You there Ms. Deskins??

Nevertheless, Bonnie Cerace's termination was way overdue. Wonder who she will try bossing around now??......Oh, I know, Maxine.

Anonymous said...

You reap what you sow Bonnie! Your day has come.

Maybe you should call Jay Aldis with Bracewell and Gulliani and see if he can represent you for wrongful termination. Perhaps Cathy Deskins could fabricate a whopping tale for you to use !!

Anonymous said...

To acknowledge the Board of Directors for finally taking the appropriate action with Cerace is not commendable at all.

This issue should have been addressed long ago. If not for the integrity and concern of the Galloway foundation members, (including Mrs. Galloway herself), the school would never have been forced to take the appropriate actions on their own.

Looking towards the future how can anyone be assured that this travesty won't be repeated.

Simply put, Principals should not be able to select and appoint friends and ex lovers as BOD members. PTO's should have a genuine interaction with the school administration and the faculty involved.
Rules and by laws should be rewritten to preclude anyone from having absolute and total control with no provision of transparency to the public at large.

Independent and outside firms should periodically perform audits to insure honesty and encourage best practices.

Frankly, this board should take a good look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves.......Have I handled this situation properly? Have I been impartial? Have I been thoughtful and considerate of everyone involved?

I think not.

Anonymous said...

Hey, TGS Watch! Did ya miss me?

How about that letter that went out to the parents explaining Bonnie's departure? In one section the letter thanks Cerace for all of her contributions to the school. What contributions might those be? Bullying people into leaving when they disagree or question her? Getting the school into a losing battle of a lawsuit that dragged on over a year and a half? Disregarding student safety?

You ought to read the letter. It's almost as pitiful as anything Cerace might have put out herself.

Anonymous said...

Sue Harrell is one of Bonnie's best friends, just as Maxine. Then there is Cathy Deskins, plus others on staff who have been a free pass to spy, create pressure, problems, play ridiculous power games so lets keep investigating school board.

OH yes, did you know there are "teachers" who have never set a foot in college yet they teach your child? Others are certified, not in Texas and others with some college. Maxine, who walks families through the halls telling you "EVERY TEACHER IS CERTIFIED" has been lying to you.

What other lies have the parents been swallowing?

This is just the tip of the ice berg. Keep looking around before the entire school collapses.

I'm proud that Marie Gallaway put her foot down, esp since she is "protected" from anyone outside of the inner circle to even talk to her.

Thank you God.

Anonymous said...

The answer to who is responsible for all of this is that it is the board who is responsible. The board should be representing the parents and students, not cuddling with the head of school!! Cerace was not accountable to anyone!! And now we are finding out the board has been having an issue for years about Cerace and nothing was done. These two for sure need to be kicked off: Moran and Callaway; they have been on the board the longest and have allowed this to happen for years! Bulgier and Onorato too, they are parents who have ignored what is going on for their own selfish reasons. The only hope we have with this board is Judge Slaughter who should bring some stability to it and not let this "good ol' boy" stuff continue! And yes, Burris and Deskins need to be shown the door as well. They have had their share of helping support Cerace in her lies and more. Someone mentioned, Harral; well don't stop there- Scarbrough, Guiterez, True, and probably others I don't know about it. Get rid of them all while we are on a roll!! No need to stop with Cerace, keep going!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Cerace was kicked out before Mrs. Galloway passed away. I'm sure if she could she would be dancing he jig right about now!!!

Anonymous said...

Could someone put the letter that was sent out in its entirety on the blog for all to see?

Anonymous said...

Can someone verify if Maxine Burris was fired also?

Anonymous said...

Maxine turned in her 2 week notice today, along with Sue Harral. I can understand Maxine leaving, but really Sue?? How unprofessional. Way to end your teaching career on a high note. Leave the students high and dry because of your loyalty to Cerace?? Unbelievable! Can someone PLEASE explain why Sue Harral would show this level of loyalty towards someone who has driven TGS's once bright reputation into the toilet by her sociopathic behavior and lying. You are loyal to THAT?? Well folks, that certainly says something significant about Sue Harral, now doesn't it? You have certainly shown your colors. You have shown that you approve of Cerace's behavior by standing by her. Good Lord. What a piece of work! Did Cerace threaten you, Sue? Don't you have any ethical or moral friends you could support? The other commenter was right on. Your nose is permanently stained brown, and everyone knows you are Cerace's #1 snitch. Guess it might be hard to hold your head up around TGS after showing your approval and support for Cerace's behavior. And believe me, there are MUCH better history teachers out there besides the likes of you. Personally, I think leaving is quite cowardly of you. But, hey... TGS is cleaning house. Your leaving is a good thing ultimately. I doubt the school wants ANYONE remaining at TGS that has such close ties to Cerace. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

What about the Williamsburg trip?

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, Williamsburg. Harrall really left the school, and particularly the kids, hanging badly.

Were I in charge, I would not accept either Harral's or Burris' 2 weeks notice. Harrall has already shown her allegiance lies with Cerace. Those poor kids won't get much work done in the next 2 weeks. Just go ahead and put a sub in there. There might be a little something that gets done.

For a bunch of professionals, these people don't exhibit the behavior of a professional. They should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Not only is the Galloway school looking for a new principal, they must also replace the upper school's Spanish teacher. Yes, it's true. Bonnie Cerace , who doesn't speak a bit of Spanish was teaching the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Spanish. Why? Because Cerace couldn't afford to hire another teacher. The school is broke!!

Anonymous said...

Well, that makes two down and two to go-I am talking about "Bonnie's Bunch". So we will see what happens with the other two. Teachers know what I am talking about.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Onorato and Bulgier were very well aware of the atrocities that were taking place at the school, and more specifically who was committing them. Dot Woodfin and Bommie Cerace intimidated a "paper board". It was comprised of weak parents, business contractors and Cerace's personal contingent of Physicians and ex lovers.

So, when one thinks of cleaning house, they must do a deep cleaning. Cutting off the head of the snake is simply not the reform needed to help the school recover from its woes.

Anonymous said...

Employees of the school have known for years that the Bonnie's Bunch were making more money than the rest of the staff. Sue Harrel, Judy True, Scarborough just to name a few. If you supported Cerace and her nasty ways, you were rewarded. If you lied for her, Dougherty and Deskins you got special treatment. If you were honorable and ethical well... you were looking for a job the next year. It's sad that Cerace was allowed to behave in the manner she did for so long. Yes, we know who the teachers are that have supported Cerace for years. You all need to go too.

Anonymous said...

I wonder where all of Bonnie's supporters went?

On another note, Mrs. Harral, I am highly disappointed in you. You have said many times how you love The Galloway School and its students. You have really shown that love by abandoning your students in the middle of a semester.

Perhaps you should change your mantra to how much you love The Galloway School, but only if Bonnie Cerace is in control and able to bully, intimidate, and humiliate those that are not in lock-step with her. Sounds like your love and loyalty was for Bonnie Cerace and not The Galloway School. My heart aches for all the students you have thrown into turmoil. They are old enough to know you are walking away from them. That is just sad.

I really thought you had more integrity than that.

Anonymous said...

I heard Sue Harrel turned in her two weeks notice. Well, that says a lot about her!! Guess everything they said about Sue and Cerace were true. What a disappointing legacy Harrel has left behind. It shows it never was about the kids. Harrel always bragged about the "prestige" of being a teacher at the Galloway school. I heard her personally talk about the expensive gifts she received from the students parents, the nice trips she took on the schools dime and the "extra" money she received on top of her salary from Ms. Galloway. It was all about her. Now, without her buddy Cerace it's just not as profitable and fun anymore. Boo Hoo. Guess it was time to quit and leave the kids hanging before the gravy train ended!! Sue your a disgrace to good teachers everywhere. Good Riddance!

Anonymous said...

How much is tuition for this school? Where are the so called advantages to sending your child to private school? They had in my opinion, a psychopathic principal who stacked the school and board with current and past lovers, teachers who are more interested in their own welfare over the students, and a board that made money on the expansions. Wow. It's true... suckers are born every minute.

Anonymous said...

Hence the term "brown nose".

Shame on you Ms. Harrel. We will not miss you.

Anonymous said...

Why is Cathy Deskins' car seen up at the school during the evening hours?

Could she be doing things for Cerace's benefit? She is one of Bonnie's most trusted cronies.

And, how does a person like Cathy afford a Jaguar?? We know she did not win the lottery.

MMMMMMM, she needs to be a part of the overall purge.

Maybe Deskins is burning more photo's and files in order to cover up the massive corruption that prevailed at Galloway for years.

We will keep our eyes peeled.


Anonymous said...

We sincerely hope that Ms. Galloway recovers from her illness.

She, of all people should be able to see first hand that the cancer is being removed from the institution her and her husband created.

The "band of lying thieves" are being removed one by one.

Someone really needs to audit the schools books for the last several years. There most certainly will be anomalies.

So long Fonzie! I mean Cerace.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! The turnover begins and first report cards aren't even out. Let's see...Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Buillion, Mrs. Harral, Ms. Burris, and Ms. Cerace. That's already a 13% turnover!! How many others will follow? Usual turnover is 25%. This is insanity!

Anonymous said...

I certainly agree with everyone about Sue Harral and Cathy Deskins. I wonder what LIE Harral is going to tell her students about why she is leaving? Judging from the above comments, no one is sorry that she is leaving. She is pitiful, a coward, and has proven she has no backbone or morals.

Cathy Deskins certainly should not be given free reign to be alone at TGS during the evening hours. This SHOULD NOT be allowed, Mrs. Stroud! She ABSOLUTELY cannot be trusted. Which is interesting... because many people listened to her on multiple occasions complain about Bonnie's behavior, and also about how much she HATED Bonnie. She told many stories about the unethical things she knew about that Cerace had done. She also said that there was so much more that Cerace had done that if people knew they would just be appalled! She made no secret of the fact that she put up with Cerace's pathological behavior because she didn't want to lose her job. I think she should be shown the way out the door as well. I guarantee you, she will be reporting back to Cerace. SNITCH and two-faced!!

CATHY DESKINS HAVING A KEY TO THE SCHOOL IS JUST LIKE GIVING BONNIE A KEY!! You cannot, under any circumstances, trust her at all.

The Galloway School needs to start fresh. Get rid of everyone who would ally themselves with Bonnie Cerace, and elect new board members who will step up to the plate. Get rid of board members who turned a blind eye to Cerace's unethical behavior, and let her drag the school into the mud. They didn't even have the good sense to let her go when Mrs. Galloway threatened to pull her foundation money. They had more loyalty to a sociopath liar than the woman whose vision started the Galloway School, and whose financial support kept the school going. Without her, the school would not exist. Now...Finish the job!! TGS parents: You really need to come together and insist that things change. Oh, and I don't want to forget to congratulate John and Lori Solt. Without your perseverance, this much-needed housecleaning wouldn't be happening. DING DONG...and well, you know the rest of the song!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cerace should be happy not to be at TGS anymore. She can fill her days with woodworking and construction projects. Put on your hard hat and work gloves, Bonnie! He can wear jeans and T-shirt every day, operate heavy equipment, dig holes,and ride the tractor to his heart's content! But good luck getting any so-called contracting jobs. What people find when they Google you won't be too positive. And just think, you have no one to blame but yourself! But it's okay. Faculty and parents couldn't be happier for you!

Anonymous said...

I question the financial straits. TGS has a 4/5th grade math and middle school advanced math teacher (2 separate positions), 2 art, 2 music, 3 PE, and 2 technology teachers plus a literacy coach. If they can afford that much staff, money must not a real issue. So, what's the real story. It needs to be shared so it NEVER happens again. That was the problem with Cerace and her sycophants. There was no transparency and everyone got a different story based on your level of support. We need to know where the problems were and be diligent in preventing conditions that can lead to that again.

That leads me to this point. There has been some movement on the school board. At least one member is no longer serving and there is a new board member. Who is Judge Slaughter? Why is she not reflected on the Board of Trustees page? This is one of those transparency issues. There is an "advanced technology applications" employee. Certainly making a few adjustments to the board's page isn't outside the advanced realm. Again, transparency, people. The old guard hid so much. If you don't become more transparent, you are NO BETTER than the Cerace Clique. Are you looking for progress or prestige? Follow Bonnie and there is neither.

Step it up, board. Your window of opportunity to move forward is getting smaller every day. We're all watching you. If you're not going to lead, get out of the!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am a complete outsider and i understand parents being upset. After all, your children are being affected. But having been in education myself for over 30 years, i can guarantee you that your behavior -yes you, parents - has much more affect on them than the teachers they see for a few hours a day. You are their example of how to live. This is supposed to be a Christian school. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for the things you have written. As Jesus said, "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." I don't know Ms. Cerace and i don't know the history, but i do know that you are setting a terrible example for your children. Would you be proud to have them read what you have written? If you would, you are even worse than I thought. Your cruel words are not helping the situation. Negativity never does. If you want to help your school become the best it can be and your children become people of integrity, I suggest you find positive ways of going about it.

Anonymous said...

The teachers who "earned" Bonnie's 'Teacher of year' should also be addressed.

They were Cearace's special spies with extra pay and privileges. They could do NO wrong. HEY GUYS: YOU are not special any more!

Now, reduce their pay to what everyone else earns and then give them notice to May 2014. Bye-Bye!!

Someone needs to look at the books.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous:

Those "few hours a day" are really 2,000 hours a year.

Anonymous said...

Everything *I* have written can be read by my children with no concerns. I have advocated transparency, accountability, morality, and Christianity.

While I commend you on your 30 plus years in education, I challenge you to begin with the first post on this blog. Read all of the legal documents. Ignore the comments, as people on both sides have been very unkind to one another.

You state you do not know Ms. Cerace nor the situation. I strongly encourage you to read about the events of the last few years. You will gain information.

Are some people harsh? Yes. Others are simply asking for major changes so things like this never happen again. I cannot speak for those that are hard on Bonnie Cerace. I can only speak for myself. I will shed no tears nor lose any sleep over her departure. What I saw was bad enough. She has finally reaped what she has sewn and she has hurt a great many people along the way.

You stated you are not judging anyone but state that we should all be ashamed. Is that not casting a stone? I am using this as a learning experience for my children. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. I do not want my children to treat others as Bonnie has. If they do, they will be treated in the same manner. Read the blog. Bonnie is certainly feeling the pain she has put others through during her tenure at the school.

Anonymous said...

As well she should. Bonnie Cerace has no remorse for what she has done to parents and children.

She is a sorry example of what any teacher and or administrator should depict in carrying out the responsibilities associated with the responsibilities she so much coveted.

She should never have been allowed around children after her arrest for assault with a deadly weapon.

She should have never been sanctioned by the State of Texas with her lack of academic credentials to teach at any institution either public or private.

Her performance during a sexual harassment lawsuit sealed her fate in front of many people who had to witness first hand the deception and ineptitude of this so called human being.

I am not without sin but I can assure you I am much better than she is from a moral standpoint. There is a special place in hell for people like Cerace.

She got off too easy considering the lives she deliberately wrecked.

So long.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous at 7:30 pm tonight:

I'm sorry. I have to call bs on your comments. You do not know Cerace or the situation, but you found your way to this single-subject blog and felt compelled enough to make comments about people and events you know nothing about. I'm sorry but I'm not buying that one.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering why someone who doesn't know Cerace, and doesn't know the situation is even posting anything. How about minding your own business! 30 years in education - SO! At any rate, if you are a Bonnie Buddy, you won't get any sympathy here!

Anonymous said...

How come we are hearing only one sided stories.
Did not expect this from mrs Harral.

TGS Watch said...

The following comment was received by TGS Watch. We did not approve it due it contained sensitive personal information. Below is an edited version of that comment:



Here are two emails that went out to some parents from Michelle Onorato:

From: "Michelle Onorato"

Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 5:16:34 PM
Subject: Parent initiated meeting with Ms. Cerace

You are invited to a meeting with Ms. Cerace at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Harvey S----y (former Galloway parents) this Sunday (September 29) afternoon at 3 P.M.
The meeting address is XXX Specific Street, Friendswood, TX 77546 (West Ranch subdivision).

I apologize for the short notice, but we want to be sure the parents have an opportunity to ask questions and better understand the recent events at the earliest opportunity. I hope you will attend, and have the chance to hear both sides of the issue before Tuesday's evening town hall meeting called by the Board of The Galloway School.

Date: September 28, 2013, 9:52:35 PM CDT

Subject: Parent initiated meeting with Ms. Cerace

Hello all:

You may not have heard, but the Board of Trustees of the Galloway school terminated Ms. Cerace late last week. The S----s are graciously inviting current and former parents to their home to sho support if they like, and to give Ms. Cerace a chance to answer questions. Please see the below for details.

Michelle Onorato Hamer

UNBELIEVABLE!!! So let me try to understand this. The President of the Board, is calling a meeting with parents to talk about how they can show support for Cerace after she has been fired. Do the other board members know this!? And what do they expect to accomplish? Bully the other board members into changing their mind? Let me know if I am correct in what I am reading into this, or is there something I don't see. Are they trying to overturn the boards decision and bully them into changing their mind? And this Town Hall meeting. Is that going to be at the school? This is turning into a circus. The last thing the school needs is for more attention to be drawn to it. I guess the only way Cerace is going to leave is kicking and screaming. What an embarrassment she is!

Anonymous said...

I'm having a hard time with this. Is Onorato losing it? She wants me to believe FORMER PARENTS have contacted her and "graciously" offered Bonnie a place to share her events with a SELECT GROUP of parents PRIOR to a board-sponsored meeting with the whole school??? I'll bet you current parents could not get a private forum with Onorato.

At least one recipient of this e-mail was bothered enough to share the info.

I wonder if that person who was so bothered to share the e-mail here will share it with other parents. 3 pm is quite a while away to make plans for the afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Onorato, do you realize what you are doing? The board sent out a letter stating Ms. Cerace was encouraged to step down and they had done so after careful consideration. They (and you as well as you are a member of the board) asked parents to trust that this decision was made in the bestninterest of the school, both now and in the future.

It's ok if you don't agree with others on the board. It's also ok if you support Ms. Cerace. For you to use your position as board president to create a division in the school, especially in advance of the full board's meeting next week is unconscionable. You should know better.

Anonymous said...

Onorato, Burris, and Harral are obviously operating from a position of weakness. There must not be a lot of support in their positions. Former parents, with no stake in this matter, are hosting the meeting for specific people in their home. They are also inviting the parents of former students to attend. Must not be too much support for Cerace if people that no longer have kids in the school are needed for support.

It's a shame these parents support an individual and not the school and its decision makers. After all, when Lori Solt was terminated, weren't we asked to respect that decision? Maybe respect only works in one direction for these folks.

Anonymous said...

What was that I said about a position of weakness?? If Onorato had any hope of finding a way to get Cerace back on the job, she killed it when she resigned!

What a buncha thinkers, folks!

Anonymous said...

September 28 at 10:42 pm

Anonymous said:

How come we are hearing only one sided stories?


You're only getting one side of the story because no one will defend Bonnie in any public forum. She will tell HER side of the story IF you are in her inner circle and you are specifically invited to have her grace your presence and allow her to tell her version of events.

Anonymous said...

An earlier commenter asked why we are only hearing one side of the story. I think I have your answer.

Cerace will not defend herself in public again. She did that when she got the school involved in the lawsuit. Many things she said were found to be untrue.

She learned how to overcome that. Now, unless you are believed to be in her inner circle, she won't address you. She will never put herself in a position where she might have to answer difficult questions. She burned herself last time.

Anonymous said...

The reason Cerace, Onorato, Harrel and Burris will not defend themselves in an open forum in front of EVERYBODY is because they KNOW a broad base forum would pick them to pieces.

They have always censored what was discussed and made sure the groups being addressed were hand selected by Bonnie and gang.

They are nothing but a bunch of hens clucking around in an effort to save face with a small contingent of people that don't influence anything anyway.

They are pitiful!

Anonymous said...

The whole time the lawsuit was going on, Bonnie's biggest concern was this blog. It made her furious! She contacted her attorney every time a new post appeared and told the truth. She tried OH SO HARD to get it shut down, but without success. She would have done anything to know who was putting true information out there for public consumption. Jay Aldis had to explain to her that if things people were writing on the blog were true, well... there was just nothing he could do about it. People can write about true events and can also state their opinions FREELY. She has never been a fan of freedom of speech anyway, telling teachers who they should and shouldn't talk to, and what they can and cannot talk about, and telling them not to write letters of recommendation for students who were leaving to go to other schools. I wrote letters for students anyway, and was more than happy to do so. I also talk to whom I want and state the truth about things when I want. The very idea that she thought she could control people's freedon of speech just didn't go over so well with those who weren't afraid of her.

Anonymous said...

There are many obvious reasons why Cerace wanted to get the blog shut down. But another is that she can't stand that she can't control was is being said about her in here. She can't bully people and threaten them by not renewing their contract, or keeping their kids from enrolling in the school. The blog has been up and running for a long while; had there been any issues, Jay Aldis would have done something about it a long time ago. Bonnie, if you don't like this one, start one of your own so the five of you can say how wonderful you are. We could use something more to laugh at. Thursday's news was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic news. I just got back from an overseas trip and heard the news.

What happened that they finally were able to fire her?

Was she caught stealing?

Was it financial anomalies?

Another mishandled sexual harassment episode?

Burning someone else's picture in front of the staff?

Filing false police reports?

Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon?

Please do tell.

Anonymous said...

I think it was all of the above at one time or another, if I remember correctly - and I think I do ;-) plus more, apparently! Very stressful for the school & families - but when God shuts one door he opens another one. I would advise that more housecleaning is needed, but a fresh start for the school could really be a good thing. Everyone needs to know that this is not the first time a board has tried to get rid of Cerace because of behavioral issues. Look at some cutting edge curriculum, and I'm sure there are many great teachers out there with stellar credentials who are job hunting. Be picky, do the proper background checks, and pay them appropriately. Perhaps if the right kind of changes are made, the school could successfully re-apply to the Galloway Foundation for funds. It can be done, Galloway can turn this around! Think positive, folks!

Anonymous said...

I find it weird that all postings are negative and that they are done with such frequency and that they are all anonymous. Please be an adult and sign your name to it.

jack simpson

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Bonnie, shame on you.

Everyone knew it was just a matter of time before you showed the vast majority your "roots". Yee Haw! How did you fool so many for so long???


Anonymous said...

Mr. Simpson,

After a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon (pulling a GUN on someone with a child present) and having such a violent reaction towards the school board, you want me to sign my name? I have kids. She has proven her violent nature in both the past and present. I do NOT want to be the next victimnof her violent outbursts.

What I find weird is you are bothered by anonymous comments (which you don't seem to dispute their accuracy) than you are the behavior of Miss Cerace. It is very troubling to me that so many are angry with the school board for taking action to protect the Galloway family from yet another potential act of violence than they are with the persistent poor decision making history of Miss Cerace.

Sign your name all you want. She is a woman with no problem showing her penchant for violence, especially when held accountable for her poor behavior. People should know about the things she has done. No one is disputing them. They are just very angry that these statements are true and just validate the board's decision.

Anonymous said...

Jack, was Deep Throat any less accurate about Watergate because he was anonymous? Let me follow your line of thinking. Anonymous information is discredited because it's anonymous.

Let's call the police and tell them to dump CrimeStoppers. Anonymous information should be ignored.

So, tell me. What stuff here should I ignore? Should I forget about all of the anonymous stuff that keeps turning out to be true? Perhaps I should ignore you because it sounds like you're bitter about the truth being shared and then having it be proven?

I'll take anonymous truth over irritable ignorance in a heartbeat. How about you? I think you told us where you stand. Knowing the truth must not be terribly important to some people.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack,

Let's hear something good about Bonnie that would change our minds about how we feel about her. Now I don't mean to be a mind bender or throw you into having an epileptic seizure by having you think so hard. But then we could use a levity in here!! Where are all those who think Bonnie is so great. Where are their comments Jack?! They know what she is, and there is no defense for her. She has finally been exposed and the charade is over. That's a fact, Jack!

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Jack Simpson post that states all the comments are negative:

This is a public blog. Anyone and everyone is free to post comments, both positive and negative. I have looked high and low through the contents of the blog, and any positive comments regarding the former principal are few and far between. I think we can all understand why. There are many positive comments about the potential of the school and the NEW school board, some of the teachers, and Mrs. Galloway. If anyone wanted to post positive things to counteract the negative, they are certainly free to do so. I can guarantee you that TGS Watch publishes every comment, unless it is obscene or inappropriately crosses the line in some way.

If there are parents that do not support Cerace's firing, they can state their views. Do these people support her because they chose this school for their kids, and now what has happened somehow reflects on them or their judgement in choosing Galloway? That's nonsense. A principal has a history of unethical and dishonest behavior. You didn't know this when you enrolled. She got fired. The school is now moving in a new direction. This is a good thing!

But it is quite telling, in my view, that the claims made about Cerace have not been disputed on this blog. Hardly anyone has gone to bat for her or tried to defend her. Why would they? This is a person who:

- Fired a woman who reported being sexually harassed
- Lied to the board about what the harasser did (AFTER he admitted the harassment), and put him on paid leave.
- Offered the harasser a new contract to return the following year.
- Cost the school thousands and thousands of dollars for a lawsuit there was no chance of winning.
- Forced the 101 year old founder of the school, Mrs. Galloway, to break off all ties and remove her funding of the school

And SO much more, as everyone who has read this blog well knows. These things are documented and impossible to refute. Mrs. Galloway sat through the depositions and heard all the dirt that came out on Bonnie. She heard as Bambi Teaff and David Deverteuil told the truth. She knew it would be disasterous for the school to keep Cerace. She gave the old board opportunity to do the right thing (fire her) BEFORE she removed her funding, but they chose not to. Pretty sad.

So really... Anyone out there who has positive things to say about Bonnie to defend her actions, or whatever positive things about anything... Please do so. We would like to hear it. Sorry if the TRUTH which has been put out there regarding Cerace and others is negative. The truth is sometimes not pretty. Would you want the truth to be sugar-coated or kept from the public? As a parent, I would want to know EVERYTHING; all the good, and all the bad.

What I do know is this: There are bound to be MANY more positive things happen at TGS with Bonnie Cerace gone, a new board in place who embrace transparency, and probably some additional housecleaning. The school can only improve from this point if you ask me, as long as people are treated fairly and with respect, and the students' education and safety are the top priority. The only place to go is UP from here.

As far as the housecleaning aspect: You can bet your life savings that Cerace's supporters who are still at the school will continue to be influenced and intimidated by Cerace, in my opinion. Aren't you guys sick of her phone calls yet? I applaud Bullion for quitting. She is the best science teacher I have ever seen. Although I kind of lost respect for her since she knew the truth for so long, but waited until it hit close to home for her before she decided to take a stand. Sorry, I digress. But I think these other folks who are spineless enough to stand with Cerace really should be shown the door. This would certainly make the school's transformation complete.

Anonymous said...

Yes 12:21,
the other folks who are spineless and should be replaced are at the other end of the school from Harral and True. Pam Jones has already indicated where her allegiance is and there are two more at the very end of the school that she is on that need to go also. I don't see any new names on the board so I am thinking that when people say the "new" board they are referring to a new way of thinking, etc. If there is someone on the board that is not listed on the school's website, could someone tell me?

Anonymous said...

Since Jack Simpson seems to have concerns over people signing their names, how do we know you are who you say you are?

What is your affiliation with the school and Bonnie Cerace?

Why aren't you concerned about the content of comments?

C'mon Mr. Simpson or whatever your name is get real!

If you have something to say, spit it out.

Everyone is entitled to their viewpoints regarding this group based on first hand experience.

What's yours? Do tell us please.

Anonymous said...

Good point 2:08, I have never heard of this person either and I have been at the school a while. What is "Jack's" affiliation with Galloway? You are also right in thinking they probably are not who they say. I wouldn't be surprised if it were Cerace or any one of her cronies. Speaking of cronies, Dot Woodfin, a long time "protector" of Cerace has essentially fallen off the face of the earth. Anyone seen her lately? I know she is no longer on the board. No wonder Cerace was finally canned. She didn't have Woodfin to lie for her. All I know is that there are still others that need to leave the school before the things get some point of normalcy.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering the same thing about Woodfin. Not that I think she should have ever been on the board in the first place, but why would she up and leave that position? I heard there was some kind of "tiff" between her and Cerace. Anyone know the details of what caused these 2 inseparables to part ways?

Anonymous said...

It isn't beyond the realm of possibility that someone could have a "tiff" with Cerace (ya think?), even Dot Woodfin. I always thought Dot was ALOT smarter than Cerace. Perhaps she was seeing the writing on the wall, ya know...realized that Cerace's little house of cards was getting ready to fall, and decided to get out before she got dragged further into the unpleasantness. It seems that everyone who gets closely involved with Bonnie Cerace regrets it eventually.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh Bonnie, shame on you. Shame on you!

I hope they find enough wrongdoing on your behalf to put you in prison for a long time.

Maybe the forensic audit of the schools books and imaging of computer hard drives will do just that.

You're a menace that should never have been allowed around children unsupervised.

You think you're tough but in actuality you're nothing but a loud mouth lying bully.

I hope people treat you the same way you treated them in your new status of being unemployed.

You are a pitiful example of an individual that should have been regarded as one of society's most trusted.

You are pathetic!!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie Cerace pathetic????

Someone is being too kind here.